Lucifer worshipper.....just kidding...maybe


Well, this is me. The cyber Lucifer-sama worshipper. Just kidding...maybe. After all Belial (a.k.a. Mad Hatter) is quite obsessed with her Geika, and aren't I dressed as her? At least a half @$$ attempt to be her at AX and Shoujocon' counts for something. Enough of this babble, I am rinoa and to tell you the truth this is my first Bio page. Never bothered to put one up before...guess I like my "unknown" internet persona. But if you care, I will tell you a little about my self. There really isn't much to tell.

I recently graduated college and well, I'll get that permanent job eventually. The hardships of being an English major.


I love anime and manga, as you might have guessed^_^ Manga is more of my obsession than anime though. Here are a list of my Favorite mangakas (or manga series):

  • all the works of Kaori Yuki
  • Shurei Kouyu ("Alichino")
  • Minami Ozaki
  • Itsuki Natsumi
  • Chie Wasada
  • Chiho Saito
  • Yami no Matsuei by Matsushita Yoko
  • Higuri You (Seimaden, Cutlass, Zeus)
  • Watase Yuu (in particular Ayashi no Ceres)

As for shonen stuff I like Rurouni Kenshin, Evangelion, Houshin Engi, Flame of Recca, and Yuyu Hakushou.

Non-anime stuff that I like: movies, Playstation (Love those rpgs), sleeping, thinking up weird things, art (looking...Can't draw for the life of me^_^), occasional writing, and....


This is a HUGE obsession of mine. I love the stuff. About 90% of my cds are in Japanese^_^

My favorite Major label Jrock bands (and solo artists), in no particular order are:

  • Gackt
  • Malice Mizer (with and without Gackt^_^) they went back to indies...
  • Dir en Grey
  • L'arc en Ciel
  • Luna Sea
  • Lareine
  • sexMachineguns
  • hide
  • X-Japan
  • Pierrot

Favorite indies Jrock bands are:

  • Due le quartz
  • Lamiel (disbanded;_;)
  • Noir Fleurir
  • Aliene Ma'riage
  • Madeth Gray'll
  • Syndrome
  • Amadeus
  • Domestic Child
  • La Mule
  • Phobia
  • Cynthia
  • kein(disbanded), but I'll be a fan of anything of Mako-san's!

And probably more that I can't remember.

Other obsessions include books(besides my manga^_^). Comic (american) and normal books. As far as comics go I started out years ago on X-men, then moved to various Image titles (including practically the whole Top Cow line up. My favorite is Witchblade), then more independent things like Poison Elves.

Books, I like many, many books of various genres. Neil Gaiman is cool. So is Storm Constantine. I have a great affinity toward C.S. Friedman and her Cold Fire Trilogy. One _must_ worship Tarrant.

And one can't forget the classics like Shakespeare. Jane Austen, russian writers (there are several I like), 19th century Brit Lit, and banana yoshimoto...all stuff I like a lot^_^

Well, enough about me. It's been too much about me. But if you happen to share an interest and want to chat, feel free to e-mail me!^_^ It'll be fun...

I swear...I'm not strange. I don't dress like this everyday...well actually...I don't mind dressing like this:) But I do wear other colors...and I do have feet, really. the way don't e-mail me flames accusing me of being a devil worshipper or anything. It's only a character in a manga I happen to love^_^

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