Shibahara Chiyako (�Ǹ����䥳)

Personal Information

Shibahara Chiyako (�Ǹ����䥳) was born on August 9th in Saitama. Her blood type is O. She works for 81 Produce.


Chiyako has done the following roles in anime.

Card Captor Sakura {movie} Li Shiefa
Harimogu Harley Gabrinne
Himikoden Kiyomizu
Hyper Police Sakura
Key the Metal Idol Utsuse Miho
Outlaw Star Iraga
Pocket Monsters Karakara


Chiyako has done the following roles in games.

Himikoden -Renge- [PlayStation] Kiyomizu
Lets and Go Eternal Wing [Platstation] Nieminen


Chiyako has done the following roles in CD/radio dramas.

Himikoden -Renge- [CD] Kiyomizu
Radish Roxs [CD] Suzuki Tomoe


Miscellaneous CDs

Chiyako appears (sings/talks) in the following CDs.

Single CDs

Chiyako has also released the following CD singles.

Lookup latest CD information for Shibahara Chiyako in the seiyuu database

Books and Magazines

Some of the books and magazines that Chiyako has appeared in prominently are as follows.

Animedia July 1996, 1996.06.10 {1/2 P} radio article, MONO
Seiyuu Grand Prix volume 12, 1997.07.10 {5 P} Radish Roxs article/poster, COLOR
Ani Raji Grand Prix 9, 1997.08.26 {1 P} article, COLOR
AnimeV December 1997, 1997.10.25 {1 P} tomodachi no wa, MONO
Ani Raji Grand Prix 19, 1999.04.26 {1/2 P} live report, COLOR


Radio Shows

Chiyako has/had the following radio shows.


Shibahara Chiyako is also part of the following groups.


Some of the events that Chiyako has appeared in recently are as follows.

1996.08.10Shou Comi Night public recording
1997.07.05Anime Expo
1997.07.06Anime Expo
1997.07.13Super Ani Mega Hit Top 10 & Key the Metal Idol
1998.01.15Radish Roxs talk and live
1998.01.18Radish Roxs event in Akihabara
1998.01.25Radish Roxs handshake session
1998.03.01Radish Roxs audition
1998.05.30Hyper Police Final event
1998.08.232nd Ani Raji Festival
1999.03.31Anzu Last Live

This page updated Tue Aug 15 08:46:11 JST 2000.

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