Gun Smith Cats chapter zero

Gun Smith Cats �����ǡ�Chapter Zero

VAP VPVV-63692
color, 40 minutes, 3914 yen
released 1995.09.01

This video is the preview video for the Gun Smith Cats anime.

It's made up of interviews with Sonoda Ken'ichi (but they cover up his face so you can't see him very well), some other staff members, and the voice actresses. There are many pictures of Chicago (staff went there last year for location research). It's got lots of info about guns and cars.. Not much animation. Just some stills from the anime (or just promo art).

This video is made for GSC otaku.. or anime otaku. There is not that much seiyuu stuff.

The video is a total of 40 minutes, maybe 10 minutes or less on the seiyuu stuff.

They have the three girls (Hisakwa Aya, Neya Michiko, Araki Kae) from the photo session of the CD single jacket. They are wearing matching white T-shirt and jeans and a bandana scarf around their necks. There is a tiny flash of Aya's bare stomach! (^_^;)

There is a little bit of video from the CD recording. They play part of the image song, but not the whole song.

Peter Evans is in it very clearly. You can't miss him. You won't spot me (Hitoshi Doi) unless you know me very well. Robert Woodhead is in it clearly too (little bit small).

seiyuu video page | seiyuu page | Hitoshi Doi