Hummingbird Final Concert

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Toshiba-EMI TYLY-3007 (LD) and TYVY-3007 (VHS)
CLV, 78 minutes, 4900 yen
released 1995.11.28
recorded live Aug 16, 1995 at SHIBUYA-Koukaidou

[information by Yuchou Hu]

The LD comes with a lyrics sheet and a sheet of 4 postcards picturing Hummingbird (all 5 seiyuu), Ten-Tama Set, Pretty^2, and Kusachi Fumie. The LD jacket itself contains a collage of pictures from the concert on front and back.

Still photo intro of the 5 seiyuus in order of the Toreishi sister age, oldest to youngest. This also matches their actual age order.
2. Setsunai Omoi (Hummingbird)
All wearing frilly mini-skirt with matching color hat: Tamagawa Sakiko in green, Amano Yuri in yellow, Mitsuishi Kotono in pink, Kusachi Fumie in red and Shiina Hekiru in blue.
3. Rainbow Forces (Hummingbird)
Welcoming remarks..."Minna, genki? Hummingbird desu!" The seiyuus introduce themselves in same order as in 1.
4. Yappari Daisuki (Hummingbird)
5. Jounetsu (Hummingbird)
A very lively dance. They clearly enjoy themselves tremendously in this.
6. My Blue Paradise (Kusachi Fumie)
Now looking like a Hawaian girl. She says that she has cried yet so far in this concert.
7. Romance ni Byouyomi (Kusachi Fumie)
8. Tendama Set Medley (Amano Yuri, Tamagawa Sakiko)
Consists of Dakara Kiss Again, Ii Musume de Hairarenai, Anata no Umi he Tsuretette and Ii Musume de Hairarenai. The kanji "Ama" of Amano has an alternative pronounciation "ten" meaning sky. This is combined with "tama", sphere, from Tamagawa to get the name of this two people group.
9. Pretty Pretty Medley (Mitsuishi Kotono, Shiina Hekiru)
Consists of Nakimushi no Mermaid, Nakimushi no Mermaid, Akegata no Yume and Nakimushi no Mermaid.
10. Dance Corner (Shiina as the MC)
Aburamoshi Dance (Cockroach Dance)
This and the next one are the same as their 93 concert LD. They are wearing kimono, and all look very nice.
Utsukushii Beauty Gokiburi (cockroach)
Sung in a normal voice.
Dirty Gokiburi
Sung in a low voice.
"Hummingbird Desu!"
The is the re-enactment of the scene from Hummingbird Summer 93 anime when they are introduced to their producer.
11. Furareta nante Omottenai kara (Hummingbird)
This starts with the girls singing without instrumental music, very, very nice.
12. Koibitotachi no Crying Rain (Hummingbird)
13. Shitsuren Zen'ya (Hummingbird)
14. Love Wing (Hummingbird)
Sakiko expresses thanks for three years of support from the fans at the concert, the ones unable to come and the staff. Yuri says that she feels love of the audience as she sings on stage and thanks for the past three years. Kotono thanks the fans and the other members of Hummingbird and says that it's great to have done this for three years. Fumie is completely overcome with emotion as her tears are non-stop and needs encouragement from the audience to finish saying her thanks. Hekiru says that the other four have treated her like a sister and the experience will never be forgotten.
15. Yume no Basho he (Hummingbird)
A nice slow song suitable as the end. In the end the girls turn their back to the audience as the light dims, The curtain falls, and the bell tolls.