
Minimum (Machiko Toyoshima First Video Clip)

Columbia COVC-6163
2500 yen (plus tax)
released 1998.06.20
around 30 minutes

This is Toyoshima Machiko's first video clip.

The contents are:

  1. Jibun no Ichiban video clip
  2. Machiko Minimum Live report clip
  3. Jibun no Ichiban live clip
  4. Set Me Free live clip
  5. Set Me Free video clip

There are only two songs in this video (^_^;), both from Machiko's first single Jibun no Ichiban (��ʬ�Τ����Ф�).

There is also a 8 page color booklet inside.

some comments

The two video clips (parts 1 and 5) have Machiko acting very cute in an amusement park, probably Kourakuen. The Set Me Free video clip is extremely CUTE! The combination of that voice and face is too much! (^_^;)

Part 2 (a little over 10 minutes), has scenes of the rehearsals, with Machiko doing the narration. She talks over the songs too. Machiko is wearing a tight short sleeve orange T-shirt.

Parts 3 and 4 are videos of the Minimum Live. For Jibun no Ichiban, Machiko is wearing two different outfits, so maybe they are mixing the videos from the Tokyo and Osaka concerts. There isn't that much crowd noise either.

seiyuu video page | seiyuu page | Hitoshi Doi