In the late 20th century, the greenhouse effect was causing sea waters to rise all over the world. Among other costal cities, this made Tokyo very vulnerable and the costly possibility of flooding prompted the creation of a radical solution. The purpose of this undertaking named the Babylon Project was to hold back the waters while creating new land using a vast system of dams and embankments. The scale of this project was so large that human labor could never hope to accomplish it. Yet new technology soon made it a possibility.
With mankind's rapid technological growth came the Labor; a giant multi-purpose humanoid construction machine. Initially concieved for constructing buildings, bridges and other large structures, these giant mechs allowed civilization to advance faster than ever before. Since labors were so useful and simple to operate, they soon became as commonly used throughout the world as trucks or cranes. Labors were now everywhere being utilized more and more in industry, business and even the military. This was especially the case in Tokyo where there were many thousands of labors in cirulation, mostly
around the Babylon Project. Soon the increased use of labors gave rise to a new threat to society, labor crime. To protect against this ever-growing problem, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police created the SV2 (Secial Vehicles, Section 2). The police's own labor force specializing in keeping the people safe against criminal labor use. All thanks to the SV2's own Patrol Labor Units, otherwise known as patlabor for short.
Although the entire department is seen as a waste of taxes, the SV2's 1st unit soon earns respect by dealing with these transitional times in a calculated, professional manner. But wait, these officers aren't the stars of this show, for Patlabor focuses on the lives of the individuals in the SV2's 2nd unit. An unproffessional, troublemaking group of officers who's policing methods are seen as a complete joke. Not to mention destructive. But soon things are about to change...kind of.
The Shinohara Industries AV project has produced the Ingram; A new top of the line labor created specifically for the police. They are increadible machines, but so expensive that only 3 have been made. Instead of playing it safe and giving the Ingrams to the 1st Unit, they are entrusted into the 2nd Unit, along with a few new recruits. Now along with the first unit and maintenence crew, the second unit lives on the base stationed in an old airplane hangar on a reclaimed land by the waters of Tokyo Bay. With all of this set into place, the real story begins.
The second unit is made up of very skilled and dedicated officers, but when they get together they are sometimes unproffesional and prone to accidents. Always willing to break the rules of policework if it means getting the job done. Their off-beat personalities often cause them to take erratic actions. Even if the second unit's technique is a little destructive, they make up for it because always find a solution to any problem that presents itself. They have a special kind of friendship that allows them to work well together like a close-knit family. Soon they become one of most dedicated and resourceful police units anywhere. In spite of their tremendous achievements, that nasty reputation of theirs keeps following them around. Everyone regards the second unit as a force to be reckoned with - to criminals and civilians alike.
The SV2 continues to protect the city against illeagal labor activity from drunk or disgruntled workers, unscrupulous corporations, extremists, terrorists, defected military groups, and most of all just everyday folk. Even computer glitches can cause the machines to go berserk and endanger the safety of civilians. No matter how strange the crime may be, as long as labors are involved the SV2 is there to keep the peace.