Shrine of Lime

155 cm  (5'1")
45 kg  (99 lbs.)
83/55/85  (33-22-33)
6800 hp
Sensor Range
90 km  (56 miles)
Combat Range
Model Number
Lime is the youngest of the marrionettes.  She is very naive and playful.  Lime is the most curious of the three, always learning.  She loves animals, in one episode, she adopts a squirrel (named "Squirrely" because she couldn't think of another) and learns the difference of a machine and a living thing. This also teaches her a lesson of love.  Lime is also the only marionette to like mice (all marionettes are programmed to hate mice, because the creators belived this was a characteristic of all women).  Since she was the first to be awakened by Otaru, they have a special bond.  Lime is not like Cherry and Bloodberry in fantasising about Otaru, rather, she has a childish, "pure" love for him.  Lime usually fights Panta. Her Counterpart however is Tiger who especially in the OVA is completely innocent Faust's sexdolls.  They are equally matched in power and fighting style, however, Lime's is much more playful and funny.  She is so innocent and sweet, she even calls the Emporor "Grampa".  Lime is my favorite of the marionettes, she's also the most popular among SMJ fans.

Lime Lime Lime cell
Lime and Mouse Lime Lime

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