Escaflowne Compendium








Although its legendary god of protection is a fabled Ispano Guymelef, Fanelia is considered a otherwise unremarkable backwoods country of farmers and townspeople by most of Gaea. However, the Guymelef captures the attention of the Zaibach emperor Dornkirk, and an encounter between Fanelia's young king-to-be Van and a girl from the Mystic Moon bring this country into the forefront of events affecting the entire world.Picture of Fanelia

Religion Flying Dragon Worship Flag of Fanelia
Location South of Zaibach, north of Freid, adjacent to Asturia
Capital Fanelia Castle
Goverment Kingdom
Head of State Van Slanzar de Fanel
Economy Agrarian

Note: The models for Fanelia on Earth are Asian countries, particularly Meiji-era Japan. The motif of its crest represents the stylized head of a flying dragon.


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Copyright © 1997 Sunrise, TV Tokyo/Bandai Entertainment, Inc./Egan Loo.
All rights reserved. Last Revised on 1997 November 01

Egan Loo <>
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