Comparing the original to the translated pages
The table below shows the same page from the Japanese and the English
versions of a page from File 56, which was printed in issue 2 of Dark Horse's
"You're Under Arrest".
Japanese |
English |
The main differences, of course, are that the words are translated from
Japanese to English, and the the page is flipped left-to-right. This is
so that the panels in the page read correctly. But also notice some of
the smaller differences:
- The crowd's shout had to be erased, translated, and relettered in a
similar style.
- Note how the english phrase "Trick or Treat" is rendered
vertically when used in japanese text.
- One of Kosuke Fujishima's trademark footnotes. This one explains more
about Halloween.
- Note that the "Milk" lable was flipped twice, so that it
still reads correctly. (Also the 3.2% fat label was changed to 1 quart.)
- Sound effects have to be translated, too.
- Notice that the original page is slightly longer. Part of Miyiki's
hand is chopped off.
- Notice that the original page is slightly wider. Futoba Aoi is no longer