Comparing the original to the translated pages

The table below shows the same page from the Japanese and the English versions of a page from File 56, which was printed in issue 2 of Dark Horse's "You're Under Arrest".

Japanese English
Original Japanese Page English page

The main differences, of course, are that the words are translated from Japanese to English, and the the page is flipped left-to-right. This is so that the panels in the page read correctly. But also notice some of the smaller differences:

  1. The crowd's shout had to be erased, translated, and relettered in a similar style.
  2. Note how the english phrase "Trick or Treat" is rendered vertically when used in japanese text.
  3. One of Kosuke Fujishima's trademark footnotes. This one explains more about Halloween.
  4. Note that the "Milk" lable was flipped twice, so that it still reads correctly. (Also the 3.2% fat label was changed to 1 quart.)
  5. Sound effects have to be translated, too.
  6. Notice that the original page is slightly longer. Part of Miyiki's hand is chopped off.
  7. Notice that the original page is slightly wider. Futoba Aoi is no longer visible.