Nickname ~ Suppi
Birthday ~ Secret
Favorite Food ~ Spicy things
Least Fave Food ~ Sweet things
Favorite Thing ~ Reading
Favorite Color ~ Black & green
Favorite Book ~ JuuJuukkankei (a book about sorcery?)
Favorite Flower ~ Poppy
Wants ~ a quiet surrounding
Home ~ Eriol's House
True Form ~ a butterfly winged black panther

Spinel Sun is Eriol's equivalent of Kero-chan. But Suppi's much more quiet & calm than Kero! His 'low-powered' version looks like a black cat with transparent wings and large green eyes. His true form is a butterly-winged panther.

Suppi? Who's Suppi?
*Ruby sez* ~ Aaaw... ain't he kawaii?? Suppy isn't as crazy as Kero-chan, but he's just as cute & funny!^^ I don't like his true form a lot, as well as I don't like Kero-chan's... Yup, I prefer their cute-cute suffed doll version much better! ... Uh, Nakuru calls him by the nickname 'Suppi', but it seems Spinel just can't understand its *his* nick ^.^