subarashii desu wa!

~*YAY!*~ Wow, I can't believe I *really* won some awards for my page! *Yatta!*Yatta!*

 click here 2 visit CCLE!^^
*WHOA!* R'sCCS is the Card Captor Links exchange's pick of the month! *^___^* Wee... what a honor... and what a cute award!^^ Thank you sooo~ much, Hikaru-sama!^^
~ visit CCLE!! ~

Waii!^^ Another cute-cute award from Linda's Anime Links! Domo arigato!^^

*YAY!* My page got the 3rd place in Linda's Most Honored Page Contest! Yatta! ^__^ D�mo arigat� to all the people that voted for me... *sniffle*... I'm moved! Visit Linda's Anime Links here.^^

Wee, Linda keeps spoiling me!^^

Award ricevuto da 'La Prima Pagina Italiana su Card Captor Sakura'. Grazie mille ragazze!^^

Waii! Waii!^^ A Kawaii Seal of Approval!! THX Linda!

The very first award I got!^^ Thanks Mary-san!
~ visit Mary's page here!^^~

Thank you sooo~ much, Mattel-san!^^
~Visit Mattel's Card Captor Site here~