stufftitle.GIF (13118 byte)
skins.gif (2581 byte)

You just can't help playing mp3 files over and over when you have Sakura-chan on your Winamp...

Note: please, do not download and archive these skins elsewhere without asking their authors first. And please do not take, change & upload them as yours - ask the people who worked so hard on them: they're kind and, if you are too, they'll probably let you use their skins. Arigat�.

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title ~ kuru kuru mirakuru
by ~ Ruby
hp ~ *lost my eyes to a winamp skin*

comments ~ my latest CCS skin... hope you guys like it. ^^

eriol-kun!^^ title ~ Eriol
by ~ Ruby
hp ~ *lost my eyes to a winamp skin*

comments ~ my second CCS skin. The first was a Kaho one, you can download it from that site up there (*points up*).

title ~ hinagiku
by ~ Satsuki
hp ~ *lost my eyes to a winamp skin*

comments ~ the new, improved version of 'Hinagiku'. Wanna more Touya/Yuki skins? Go see our page (link is up there).

yue and ruby moon

title ~ hinagiku
by ~ Satsuki
hp ~ *lost my eyes to a winamp skin*

comments ~ Yue's cool, you know that already. But I like Ruby Moon even more... yeah, kill me now! ^_^;;

title ~ hinagiku
by ~ Satsuki
hp ~ *lost my eyes to a winamp skin*

comments ~ wee, this is so sweet you might risk your teeth... ^^


title ~ hinagiku
by ~ Satsuki
hp ~ *lost my eyes to a winamp skin*

comments ~ Sakura & Syaoran make such a lovely couple, ne?^^

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