Established in 2023 by Chief Rally Cheyenne, the Attacked Mystification Police Department was created to determine the causes of the Creature Traps of the early 21st Century. Its Charter is to protect the innocent and unknowing citizens of Tokyo from the indescriminate attacks of the Lucifer Folk entities. They are an independant division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, responsible for Type 3 cases -- supernatural situations beyond the juristiction of the TMPD. Their surveillance and encounters with the Lucifer Folk have provided valuable data on the dark world, Nemesis.

Originally based in Precinct 65, the headquarters of the organization was mysteriously destroyed in 2026 following an encounter with an enitity known as Mova de Badina. Individuals working on the side of Nemesis have claimed responsibility for the attack. Following a brief relocation to Precinct 21, the home of these highly skilled women was permanently moved to Precinct 66 in 2027. This building was redesignated as Precinct 00, and is now Headquarters to both the TMPD and AMPD.

Silent Möbius © Kia Asamiya /Kadokawa Shoten/Studio Tron