Welcome to the Corner Booth...

The center of creativity (good or bad) in the Snack J.

While you're waiting for your order, perhaps you'd like to look at some of the original artwork hanging up in the area -- or maybe bide the time with a story or two (though the service is pretty quick). Perhaps you're a critic of sorts? Then again, maybe you're just interested in checking out the curiosities along the wall...

Maybe you'd like to make a contribution of your own? The evening has just begun...
Here... Have a seat.

Fan Art

* Art by Monster Zero (previously on the MZ Gatch page):
* Eagle Ken
* Condor Joe
* Swan Jun (against black background)
* Swan Jun (with stats)
* Berg Katze
* Art by Miyae:
* Ken and Jun (whoo!)
* Joe at the button again
* Jun and Ken (whoo again!)
* Joe and a mysterious redhead (more whoo!)
* Joe (closeup)
* More Joe
* Jun (closeup)
* Ken (closeup)
* More Ken
* Jun in bird style
* NEW!! Art by Jess Stoncius (JonAsakura@aol.com):
* Condor Joe

Fan Fiction

* My Phoenix Rising arc:
* Prologue
* Chapter 1: You Can't Go Home Again
* Chapter 2: Introductions
* Chapter 3: Learning to Fly
* The Scarlet Falcon saga, by Tina-chan :
* Enter the Scarlet Shadow (text) (ClarisWorks 4.0 document, binhexed)
* Business Suits, Dark Glasses, & Laser Cannons (text) (ClarisWorks 4.0 document, binhexed)
* Ennien Ashbrook's BOTP arc:
* Prisoner of War
* The Merry Maid of Sol-3
* Hackdown
* Underground
* The Gauntlet (part I)
* The Gauntlet (part II)
* The House of the Seals (Note: Some sexual content)
* Related stories by Ennien:
* I Am Not Thine Enemy
* My Brother's Keeper
* Listen In
* Zoltar's Return by Eddie Vagg (evagg@hubble.dialix.com.au)

Anyone interested in creating realistic Japanese names for fanfic should check out this site.

Critic's Corner

* Briony Coote's review of the BOTP TV comic. Scary stuff...


* Gatchaman Icons (binhexed, stuffed... Macintosh only -- sorry)
* Nanuk's Gatchaman Icons -- Mac OS 8-style folder and disk icons (binhexed, stuffed... Macintosh only -- sorry) by Julieann Adolf and Nanuk (official mascot of the Gatchaman Mailing List)
* More Gatch Icons (this time for the PC - zipped) by Ricky Leibold
* Will You Make a Good Galactor? by Briony Coote
* The Mad Nasty Book, Especially Devoted to Galactors by Briony Coote
* Want to know how to be an evil overlord?

Contributions? E-mail me: jnolan@bit-net.com

Don't forget to tip your server!

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Jennifer Nolan | jnolan@bit-net.com