Reference / Entertainment Resources: Internet and Beyond
Gatchaman fandom over the Internet has shot up dramatically within the past
couple years. Listed here are many other resources for information or entertainment
that can be found on the net. Keep in mind that sites come and go regularly on
the net, so please let me know
if you find any links that are no longer active or any sites that aren't listed
Internet Resources
- E-Mail
Gatchaman Mailing List
Want to meet the Gatchamaniacs in full force? It's your head... To
subscribe, send e-mail to Do not include
a subject, but instead place the following line in the body of your message:
subscribe Gatchaman
for example,
subscribe Gatchaman
A few minutes later, an introduction to the mailing list will be sent to
you. Have fun!
Center Neptune Chat Server
A TELNET-based chat server where lots of Gatchafans hang out to relax,
role-play, or just be silly. Telnet to, port 5050.
Log in with your desired username (this is the name the other chatters will
see) and password. The .help command is invaluable for the first-
time chatter...
Alara Rogers' Gatchaman materials
Includes a general overview, episode synopses and scripts.
Very informative site! (NOTE: Some trouble getting in through
the Web because of Netcom not allowing passive connections -- you might
want to try plain FTP)
OAV Scripts (in the file G-MAN1-3.LHA)
NT Anime's rework of the S. Baldric / E. Monsoon Gatch OAV scripts.
Gatchaman fan works archive: Archives fanfiction posted to
Anime sound archive: Some Gatchaman audio files (Sun .au format) are
included in this archive
SUNET anime-mange picture archive: Images from all sorts of anime!
Tatsunoko World
NICE site with some great graphics! The OFFICIAL page for Gatchaman
Home of the White
Shadow Amazing page by Gatchaguru Wendy Dinsmore! Many graphics, fan art,
cartoons, information links, and much, much more!
Transmute! Gatchaman, BOTP &
G-Force Carolyn Kaufman's great page which has synopses of the series, great
downloads (pix, sounds, themes), and more!
The Gatchaguru
Finally Gets a Web Page! Alara's web site! Fanfic and songs, tape info,
synopses, scripts... You name it! Lots of information!
Battle of the Planets Home Page
Ant's recently re-worked BOTP page! Lots of pics and info with a great sense of
Battle of the Planets
Another BOTP page by fellow Gatchamaniac Julie Adolf. Lots of interesting
Gatchaman Forever!
Falcon's site for fanfic and mailing list info -- check it out!

Lori's Corner
Lori's site for fanfic -- all kinds! Archives fanfiction posted to the
Gatchaman Mailing List. Also check out her

Fanfiction Resources
Lists resources for folks looking for fanfic of all types. Gatchaman fanfiction
resources listed under
Animation and Comics.

Sionna Klassen's Resurrected Web Page
Fanfic and information for many anime series, including Gatchaman!

The Citadel
Lots of fanfic, including G-Force / ZeoRangers crossovers!

Jinpei's Room
Dan's site with fanfiction, graphics, and personal thoughts on the character
of Jinpei.

The Ultimate Drinking Game Home Page
You knew it had to happen! Check out the Gatchaman drinking game, as posted to
Gatchaman Goodies Page
Info regarding Gatch merchandise. Some nice pics of album covers, books, and the like!
Gatchaman Resource Page
Everything Gatch! LDs, cels, even fan-offered video! Check here to find Gatch
on tape!
Ang's Gatchaman Links List
Bunches of Gatch links! More info re. Gatch on tape!
Anime Web Guide Gatchaman entry Lists cast, voice actors, etc. on this great site. Check out the rest of the Guide, as well!
Mark Brown's
Anime Image Archive Many images located in Gatchaman
directory (subject to change, so watch your bookmarks!). NOTE:
The images are not available on the web anymore, as the maintainer is
in the process of moving. An FTP link, however, is still available from
this page.

Darius' Image Archive
Check out the Gatchaman section!

Anime Vault Maximum
Yet another image archive. Check out their Anime Images link.
Devilstar's Home Page Shana Gardner's Gatch page! Lots of art, etc.!
Dan Grenough's Battle of the Planets page
Lots of nice images, old and new!

Jimmy's Gatchaman MIDIs (Taiwan) MIDI of the Gatch I theme

Anime MIDI server (Spain) All sorts of anime MIDIs, Gatch included!

Contains themes from many series and movies. Includes themes for BOTP,
Gatchaman II, and Eagle Riders.

TV Theme Song Central
Many TV themes, including BOTP theme.

Ten Second Oil Break
Nice site with fanfiction and other anime info!
Kevin Dolorico's Gatch '94 pix
A couple screen shots from Gatch '94
Richard Kuo's G-Farce Image Page
Funny page with lots of images!
Gatchaman: The Movie Review
A review of the original Gatchaman movie. Nice rating!

Anime Encyclopedia (French.
English link also available)
Contains Gatchaman info with French BOTP names and other information. MPEG
available. Check out the
Tatsunoko Production page, as well!
TV-Cartoon Mania:
In Italian. Contains a Gatchaman / Battle of the Planets
Non-Internet Resources
Bird Scramble! is an APA (Amateur Press Association)
dedicated to Gatchaman and related materials. Fan
fiction, fan art, and more... Contact OE
Wendy Dinsmore for more information. NOTE: Space is
limited, so you may be put on a wait list.
ANIME GUIDE, Japanese Animation Video Directory & Resource Guide
by Trish Ledoux and Doug Ranney. 1995. 215 pg. $19.95 ISBN 0-9649542-3-0.
Anyone who's interested should be able to obtain a copy at their
local hobby or book store or call Viz Communications,
(1-800-394-3042 toll free voice orders) Lots of info on BOTP, G-Force, and
Not sure if this counts as an internet resource or not, so I'll put it here.
The Anime Hasshin
fan club is offering back issues of The Rose and other information packets.
Some of these packets include information on Gatchaman (packet #4), as well as lots of other
anime favorites. Be sure to check it out!
Jennifer Nolan |