Downloading Instructions: Generally, for a small file you should be able to simply click onto the file name, which will bring up the File Manager. The File Manager will provide step-by-step instructions on how to download the files.
For Downloading with GetRight: 1. Uncheck the multiple file Upload/Download box on the upper right hand side of the file screen. 2. Click on one of the file names. 3. a new window will open in addition to the GetRight Download Status window. 4. Close out the new window.
To RESUME a downloading file with GetRight: 1. Re-log onto the same share folder. 2. Uncheck the multiple file Upload/Download box on the upper right hand side of the file screen. 3. Right-Click on the file you were previously downloading. 4. Select the option of "Copy Link Location" (Netscape) or "Copy Shortcut" (Internet Explorer). 5. Cancel the window that will appear for a new file download and open the GetRight Download Status window. 6. Right-Click on the file you were downloading then Paste the new URL. 7. Then double-click the file name in GetRight, and the file should resume.