Anime North 2000

Name Anime North 2000
Location Toronto, Canada
Dates June 16 - 18, 2000
ING Guests Tsukasa Kotobuki
Films Shown
"Cyber Team in Akihabara"
"Just Kidding, Mr. Vampirian"

This was Production IG's first time attending a Canadian convention, and it was a lot of fun.  Mr. Tsukasa Kotobuki has been at other conventions in the United States in the past several years, but it was his first time at the Canadian convention, and also his first time ever in Canada!  He felt uncomfortable at first about attending a foreign convention by himself, so he's decided to bring his best assistant, Mr. Daiken Yokoo aka Chihiro Hattori.  They seemed to have had some interesting times and experiences during their stay in Toronto - such as tasting of the Emu egg and Ostrich steak, showing the Toronto fans the non-subtitled DVD of "Cyber Team in Akihabara," whose original concept and character designs were created by Kotobuki-san.  Last but not least, IG's original story, "Just Kidding, Mr. Vampirian," which majority of the fans in the United States may already have seen, was a big hit and success in Toronto, that it was selected to be screened and exposed to a large crowd of audience during the closing ceremonies.   The convention and trip was wonderful, but unfortunately, Kotobuki san has caught a terrible cold on his way back to Japan.  He was in bed for over a week, trying to recover from the terrible fever.  On the other hand, Hattori san has supposedly got bitten by a tick during his flight back to Japan.  What wonderful souvenirs they brought back to Japan with them! 

an00guests.jpg (52809 �o�C�g) Chihiro Hattori (Kotobuki's Assistant) and Tsukasa Kotobuki.
an00autograph.jpg (42274 �o�C�g) Maki Terashima, Chihiro Hattori, Tsukasa Kotobuki at the autograph session.
an00panel.jpg (50981 �o�C�g) At the Production IG and 'Cyber Team in Akihabara' Panel.
an00maki.jpg (41695 �o�C�g) Maki Terashima presenting Production IG.
an-panel.jpg (195883 �o�C�g) Can you tell what this dark photo is all about...
More photos are coming soon... hopefully.

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