Dojo Destroyer

Japanese voice:
Takumi Kamiyama

English voice:
Robert O. Smith


Voice Sample

Signboard Attack

Akane breaking her hand on the Dojo Destroyer

The Dojo Destroyer, at first, is just Soun and Genma dressing up to in hopes that Ranma and Akane will put their differences aside and work together against a common foe. Unfortunately for them, Akane says she can do it alone, while Ranma goes on a date with Shampoo.

After injuring her hand, the actual Dojo Destroyer comes to the Tendo Dojo with only Akane there to defend it. He is immensly huge and uses the signboards of the dojo's he has defeated in his attacks.

He always has a blank expression on his face and in the manga he only speaks once when he calls Ranma "Liar".

Shampoo sticking the Instant Spring of Drowned Man on the Dojo Destroyer


The Meaning Behind the Name
Dojo Yaburi translates to Dojo Destroyer.