Jusenkyo Guide

Japanese voice:
Kouichi Yamadera

English voice:
Ian Corlett


Voice Sample

The Jusenkyo Guide works at Jusenkyo and usually warns anyone that comes there that they should not train there or they will fall under a grave curse. He knows the names of the hundreds of pools through the area, when they became cursed, and the "tragic story" behind each of them.

The Guide also has a daughter, named Plum. He is always very helpful to anyone that comes and visits, and tries to offer whatever help he can.

The Guide is also in charge of the guest registry that Pantyhose later uses to track down all the victims of the Jusenkyo curses.

The Jusenkyo Guide
Jusenkyo Guide and Genma


The Meaning Behind the Name
Jusenkyo Guide doesn't have a name, but his daughter does. Plum is named the same way all the other Chinese characters in Ranma are, after food (Herb and Lime) or beauty products (Shampoo and Cologne).