The Ranma ½ television series debuted on April 15, 1989. It aired on Saturdays at 7:30 on Fuji TV. The show had somewhat of a difficult beginning as viewership had not been as high as Rumiko Takahashi's other two manga-turned-anime series, Urusei Yatsura and Maison Ikkoku. In an attempt to boost ratings the writers decided to debut some fan favorite characters such as Shampoo earlier than they appeared in the manga.
The ratings weren't changing, and so the series took a temporary hiatus. The show then made a second debut under the title Ranma ½ Nettôhen. Ratings increased, and the series did extremely well, spawning a series of OAVs and films. The televison show ended on September 25, 1992. In this section you will be able to view the date when the show aired, although there are some discrepancies as to what order the shows aired in Japan and America. If you have a question about a future episode, please send us an e-mail.
The films of Ranma ½ were successful as well. The first two films involved the rescue of Akane and travel to distant lands, while the third takes place in the cast's hometown of Nerima. Of the three films, only the third was based on a work which was originally written by Takahashi.