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Book List


Here you will find listings of books authored by or about Hayao Miyazaki or Isao Takahata, their colleagues, and their works. These include art books, manga, film comics, and more. Please visit our Shopping Guide for information on how and where to buy the books. Some books may be out of print and some prices may not include the Japanese consumption tax.

Please choose from the following pages. The Studio Ghibli films are listed in order of release.

Studio Ghibli films


Non-Ghibli works


These lists are based on book lists compiled by Fukumoto Atsushi and Wada Mitsuhiro, and the book list in the "Kinema Junpo Special Issue" (16 July 1995, No. 1166). Special thanks to Tyler King, Ryoko Toyama, and many others too numerous to mention here.

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