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[Totoro mainpage]
Tonari no Totoro
(My Neighbor Totoro)


Reviews & Articles


Contains two personal reviews, six US newspaper reviews, one magazine review, and a review by popular film critics Siskel & Ebert.
The contributing people and publications were:
Contains nine more reviews of Fox Video's release of Totoro in the United States.
The contributing publications were:
Contains six incidental references to Totoro in longer articles.
The file includes articles from:

Press information / advertising

Contains promotional information provided by Troma Pictures for use by theaters and the press when advertising and critiquing the theatrical release of Totoro in the United States. WARNING: text in this file is transcribed exactly as printed, including many spelling and grammatical errors.
The file includes:

Discussion threads

A short file explaining the concept of douwa, and how the author Miho NISHIDA's parents reacted with nostalgia to their first viewing of Totoro.
A very short file containing an exerpt from an email conversation about how the names "Mei" and "Satsuki" are puns on the fifth month of the year.

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