Saber Marionette seiyuu information

The following is the list of seiyuu for the major characters in Saber Marionette R and J.

seiyuu character
Hayashibara Megumi Saber Lime
Shiratori Yuri Saber Cherry
Hiramatsu Akiko Saber Bloodberry
Takano Urara Sexadoll Edge (R)
Sexadoll Tiger (J)
Inoue Kikuko Sexadoll Brid (R)
Sexadoll Panther (J)
Mizutani Yuko Sexadoll Kyanny (R)
Sexadoll Luchs (J)
Imai Yuka Junior (R)
Otaru (J)
Midorikawa Hikaru Star Face
Faust (J)

Other Saber Marionette seiyuu information can be found in the seiyuu database WWW page.
A quick scan of the database is also available: R anime, J anime, J Again anime, J to X anime, R drama, J drama.

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(c) あかほりさとる・ねぎしひろし/BANDAI VISUAL・MOVIC
(c) Akahori Satoru, Negishi Hiroshi/Bandai Visual, Movic