Awards for you: I realized the other day that there really aren't many Iy website awards out there. So I started my own! Who knows, maybe I'll start a fad! Maybe... Anyways, If you want to see if your site is worthy, fill out the form below (by the way, if you win, you'll have several award graphics to choose from... they don't all look like that one! I even have a Sesshoumaru one for all you fluffy-fanatics). I have no rules, just 1) No porn sites. 2) It has to be a 100% Inuyasha site. 3) I have to like it.
If you win, you will get... 1)An email from me full of ego-stroking. and 2) A nifty award image of your choice from my collection of images. and sometimes, if you have something in mind, I'll give you a congrats present.
See a list of the winner's sites!