What is DBS?

Welcome to the Dragonball S Fanfiction Page! Dragonball S. This is an entire new series,
it is set after Dragonball GT takes place. Even if you
hate GT, at least give the fic. a chance.
Those intersted but
know nothing of GT visit these Dragonball GT Summaries. Dragonball S
stands for "Dragonball Sekai"...or "Dragonball World".
For a quick run down, GT mainly involves Pilaf wishing Gokou
into a child with the Dragonballs.
So he (Gokou), Trunks and Pan (Videl and Gohan's daughter) go
searching the galaxy for the
Dark Dragonballs. They have one year, and after one year, then Gokou will remain a
child forever.
During their trip they encounter a being called Baby. Baby
possesses people and controls them.
Baby wants to kill Gokou as earlier Gokou almost killed Baby.
Baby goes to Earth and finds
out the only way to defeat Gokou is to become powerful an like a
Saiyajin himself. So he goes along possesing all the Saiyan's
until Gokou and
Co. arrive. Gokou and Baby have a bit fight, in which Gokou
reaches Super Saiyajin Level 4.
I don't want to give all the story away, and the rest of the
info. can be read at the Summeries page, but thats a little
info. you need
to enjoy Dragonball S the series.
*L* Tell me what you think of all my stories, just mail me,