"Ai to kibo no bishojo senshi, Sailorchibisun! Mirai no taiyo ni kawatte, oshiyokio!"/"For love and hope I am the beautiful sailor suited soldier, Sailorchibisun! In the name of the future sun, I'll punish you!"

Name: Asa Hikatte

Definition: Shining Dawn

Age: 9

Birthday: August 4

Sign: Leo

Ruling Planet: The Sun

Bloodtype: O

Hair: Pale gold in a single odango, with a looped braid

Eyes: Light purple

Hobbies: Getting her own way

Likes: Cats, the sun, having fun, candy, candy, CANDY!!!

Dislikes: The dark, spiders

Strength: Compassion

Weakness: Afraid of the dark

A little bit about her: Hikatte is from the future, and was sent back to the present day to learn about Crystal Tokyo before it was Crystal Tokyo. As Sailorchibisun, her attack is much more useful that Sailorchibimoon's Pink Sugar Heart Attack. As is she.

Fuku: Light purple, with pale yellow bows. Her brooch is heart shaped and pale purple. Her tiara gem is pale purple, and on her choker their is a gold sun symbol. Her boots are much like Sailormoon's, only they are pale purple with a gold sun symbol.

Henshin: Sun Crystal Power, Make Up-She holds her hands up to the sky, the brooch on her chest glowing, as chains of gold hearts spin down around her, and leave her transformed.

Powers: Sunlight Sparkle-She spins around, then holds out her wand. A blinding flash of light stuns the enemy.

{Sailorsun | Sailorchibisun | Warriorsun | Sailorearth | Sailornemesis | Sailorerebus | Sailoraurora}