Alright, these are the ultimate definition of your character, but do remember that it's by no means the ultimate concrete casting. There are hundreds of specifics for each role, especially for the Rogues! For example, a Psychic may just a kid who does the occasional bit of Telepathy as a party trick, or a religious faith healer, or a self proclaimed sorcerer! Remember, individulaize, individualize, individulaize!
You were created to ensure the security of the United States at all costs, and the Aragami are DEFINITLEY a threat to Uncle Sam's lifestyle. You're used to fighting Communists, internal terrorists, and radical horrors from overseas, but no amount of training could possibly have readied you for Japanese demons! Regardless, sir/ma'am, you're contry needs you at this hour, and with grim faced intent, you take the front line against these hellspawn. You're not a cheap thug or mindless killer like the military auxillary you hire, nor are you some kind of brain melting psychic. You're a skilled, competent, lethal, and above all dedicated agent to the land of the free. God Bless America...
You know the old saying, "When it absolutely, positively, has to be destroyed overnight!" these are the boys to call. The NSA has drafted several personnel from the Navy Seals, Green Beret's, Airborne divisions, Rangers, and even SWAT units to provide the skilled firepower to send these hell-borne bastards back to Japan with their tails bewtweeen their legs with a lead shower or a napalm bake-off. More than likely, you are part of the above special units, but even mundane military enginneers and other support personnel are in high demand. Now get out there and give them hell, soldier!
You saw it coming.... You KNEW there was trouble even before the infamous San Diego attack... Mostly your dreams were peaceful visions, but when you gazed upon the dream visages of the foriegn demons, you knew this was it, this is probably Armageddon. You were attuned with it, you got insights into the true nature of these horrors, where they came from, what they want...and even a little snippet on how they can be stopped. Now, the governement wants you to face them down. You wanted to run, you wanted to just make the visions go away, but this is proof undenaiable that you must stare the horror down before you get another's night's sleep....
Sometimes, idiots just get caught in the middle. Sometimes, folks can witness the Aragami and not go bliteringly mad...not to mention, survive the encounter it'self! Witnesses are sometimes scopped into the fold the project just for being witnesses, and often endup as hangers-on for a long time..but enevatbly, they seem to possess some skill that can aid the project.......
Then, there are the not so ordinary rogues..... These are people implanted with the mysterious bluseed, the early victims of the invasion.....they possess an unholy link with the Aragami and thus can use some of their talents...but they are unstable and dangerous to say the least, since the influence of the demonic forces are still with them....they walk a VERY fine line bewtween human nature and demonic possession.