Ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present... the Bishounen Wars! This is your basic group fanfic, originally based very loosely around the Sailor Moon Otaku Wars. Before you start reading the posts, you might want to check out the Rules that we Writers have to live with. On the left of the page are chibi pictures (in order of appearance in the posts) created by Sailor Sera for this story. They link to our characters' profiles (click! click!). It should also be known that this is merely a fannish-type activity, and none of us (including yours truly) are making any kind of money off of this, so don't sue us! Of course, that's a double-edged sword... This story is copyright 1999/2000 BW members. No part of this may be used without the express written permission of each and every one of the members. Now, on with the show...
Remy was so kind (and talented!) to make a banner for us: And Celly dug this up somewhere: One last thing, I swear... since it's been so damn long since we've done anything with the Bishounen Wars, I think we can officially say that it has ended. ^_^ Well, the Game hasn't, but it's pretty tough to get field reports when people keep hopping into a Mobius Continuum or ripping reality! ^_^ At any rate, why not check out the OAV? That's right, there's a new Game, new Otaku... check it out! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||