Master Luke and Mercy were standing in front of the Mori when suddenly, a space portal opened and Orion came tumbling out, knocking Mercy down.

"Could you be any more clumsy?? Sheesh! You just wrecked my new blue jeans. Argh!!!"

"I'm sorry, but you had no right to take off like that!!" Orion screamed at her. He turned to Luke and narrowed his eyes. "Who are you?"

"Orion, this Master Luke. He trained me in the ways of the Force."

"Oh." He glanced at Luke, then at Mercy, and back at Luke. "Well, I'm her *Guardian*."

"Yes, I know you're Mercy's Guardian. Now Mercy, why shouldn't I go into this place?"

Mercy stood there silently, trying to come up with a really good reason.