"No, dammit. Ranma would look cute with Hikaru from Rayearth!" Dionysus said, slapping his hand on the table. "I mean, they've got the pigtails going for them, they're extremely skilled in their areas of expertise, and Hikaru's cheerfullness would temper Ranma's male chauvanism."

"I still think Ranma and Akane are the best..." Roger muttered. "I mean, she cures his chauvanism real fast with a mallet to the head. Ranma no Baka!!!" he said in falsetto.

"Roger, stay on topic," Susanne replied. "We're talking cross-anime couples, not mainstream. We already agreed that Ranma and Akane should be together, and Hikaru and Lantis too. Now we're trying to figure out what would happen is the anime worlds met."

"I think it should be Ranma and Usagi. They'd be so kawaii together!" Celly giggled. "He could help train her to be a better Senshi. And he wouldn't be able to be chauvanistic because no one likes to see Usagi cry."

Susanne opened her mouth to respond to Celly's claim when multiple Buzzes hit her. She gasped and hunched over, clutching her stomach. So many! Celly felt the Buzzes too, but took it differently. Compounded with her injury, Celly nearly passed out from the sensation. Plus, another feeling hit her.

"Nyx!" she gasped. "Kami-sama... Nyx!" Celly stood up shakily with Dionysus supporting her. Roger and Susanne followed suit.

"Where is it coming from?" Roger asked.

"Outside... a lot... a fight..." Susanne said. She had finally regained her breath and made her way cautiously to the doors of the Mori. Celly and Dionysus were a half-step ahead of her when Celly suddenly broke free from Dionysus and ran for the entrance. Susanne noticed a purple-haired man, a black-haired girl, and a white... thing... running for the doors at the other end of the room.

"NYX! Nyx, iie!" Celly screamed and threw open the doors.

"Enough. Enough," a man's voice was clearly heard.

Celly skidded to a stop as she took in the sight around her. "Milton?!?" she asked, shocked.

The bare-chested Guardian looked at her in surprise, as did everyone else who had not seen the newcomers' appearances.

"Why are you all having a fight outside of my bar?!?" Celly shrieked. "You'll drive away all my customers!"

Everyone stared at the kimono-clad girl... this wasn't what they were expecting from her.

Celly closed her eyes in concentration, then they snapped open again. "You!" she called out. "You in the bushes! You come out too. You're not Otaku, or Guardian, but I can read your presence very clearly!" Celly faced the assembled group and shock her head in mock-admonition. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. I'm not gonna be the one who starts the fight, but I'll be glad to finish it if I must. Now, what in all the Plutonian hells is going on here? One at a time. Raise your hands."
