Kristsi finished packing some small essentials into her hammerspace and went to find Meredith and Zeke. They needed to get going so they could cover as much ground as possible before nightfall. The longer she was separated from Susanne and the other allies, the more uneasy she grew. She found Zeke and Meredith down in the kitchen tossing some food into Meredith's HammerSpace.

"Pretty handy, this HammerSpace thingy," Kristsi said as she strolled in.

Meredith and Zeke looked up at her. "Where's Kell?" Zeke questioned.

Kristsi smiled evily.

"Kristsi, what'd you do?" Meredith asked as she tried to hide a smile.

"I hope you didn't do anything too radical," Zeke warned. "Even though you two don't seem to mesh very well, he is your Guardian. If you don't treat him too well, he might just decide to leave you on your own. He did save you last night you know. Now what'd you do with him?"

Kristsi stuck her tongue out stubbornly, then sighed in resignation when she saw how determined Zeke was. She opened her HammerSpace and a very irate minature gold dragon plummeted out, chirping angrily in Kristsi's face. "Oh, come off it Kell! If you want to complain, at least do it in your human form so I can understand what you're yaking about!"

" respect, after all I've done for you!!!" Kell said, the chirping changing into words as he took on his human form. "I don't appreciate you stuffing me in that overcrowded closet!!! How much crap do you have to put in there anyway???" he grumbled, his blue eyes flashing in irritation.

"Hey, don't knock my stuff, or I'll make you tote all of it along!" Kristsi retorted.

"I don't think so, sweety!" Kell yelled back, his blonde head shaking back and forth in frustration. "I'm your Guardian, not your pack animal."

"Enough!" Zeke intervened. "This is going to be a miserable trip with you two bickering the whole way. I won't have it! Knock it off!"

"Oh, c'mon Zeke," Meredith said. "I find it kinda amusing!"

Kell shot Meredith a look. "I don't think it's that amusing. I saved her butt last night, and look how she treats me!"

Kristsi glared at him. "You have no idea what you did, you idiot!"

"I most certainly do! I kept your 'loving' father from slitting your throat! I think that deserves a little gratitude!"

"Well you're not going to get it, so don't get your hopes up." Kristsi replied. "You don't understand the half of it, and I don't feel like wasting my breath explaining it to you right now."

"Kristsi, let's be fair here," Zeke interjected. "If you're not willing to explain your past, you can't get angry at Kell for doing what he was supposed to do."

Kristsi folded her arms stubbornly, jutting her chin out at the three people who stood in front of her. Finally she sighed. "Fine. I can be reasonable." She turned towards Kell, who was looking at her expectantly. "I'm sorry for treating you like that. I promise I won't stuff you in my HammerSpace anymore... as long as you behave! And don't take this as a sign that I like you or anything! I still find you quite intolerable!"

Kell smiled. "See, that wasn't too hard, was it, Enelra?"


"That's your name"

"No it's not."

"It is, believe me."

"Fine, fine, you can call me that if you want to. I don't feel like arguing anymore."

"Good. I think you'll learn to trust me eventually." Kell changed back into his reptilian form and landed lightly on Kristsi shoulder, wrapping his tail around her neck. Kristsi looked at the dragon in surprise.

"Oh, I see! You think that since I apologized you can get a ride, huh? Geez! Give males an inch and they take a mile!"

Zeke and Meredith chuckled as Meredith opened a portal and they stepped through to Konan Country.