Celly screamed in frustration as she lay pinned beneath Dionysus. He had his arms wrapped around her, forcing her arms to her sides. She was laying on her stomach and Dionysus was half-sitting on her back.

"Dionysus! Let me go!"

"You know I can't do that."

"You must! You are only a Guardian, you cannot interfere in the fights between Otaku!"

"No, I can't, but I can keep you from seeking them."

"That's interfering!"

"What's gonna happen? The Guardian's Council booted me out. I have no one to answer to but myself." Dionysus winced, tears springing to his eyes as the dark-haired young woman struggled against him. It happened again, he thought dejectedly. She isn't my Ce-ko anymore. Kami-sama... how much can she take before she really goes insane?

Abruptly, Celly stopped struggling and shuddered. She went limp in his arms, unconscious. Dionysus was reluctant to release his hold, for fear it was a trick. Celly stirred slightly and he saw tears form in her eyes.

"... tasukete... onegai..." she mumbled incoherently. "... don't wanna... 'nii-chan... 'nii-chan... itoshii... onegai..."

Dionysus frowned and winced as he heard his Ce-ko's muttered pleading. "I want to help you, Ce-ko," he said to himself. "But how...?"

Dionysus released his hold on Celeste and stood up. He formed a portal to HammerSpace and carefully picked up Celly. He had to take her back to Castle Anthrax. She would be safe there... besides, as much as he hated to admit it, Dionysus needed Bob's help.
