Kristsi had been silent for most of the time since they split off from Meredith and Zeke, and Kell was starting to get a little worried. Kristsi usually had more than plenty to say. He risked a sideways glance at the dark-haired Otaku. She was obviously lost in her own thoughts and had forgotten that he was still there. Kell cleared his throat nervously. "Um, Enelra? I don't mean to question your intelligence or anything, but are we even going the right way?" Kell ventured, flinching when Kristsi's head snapped in his direction. He readied himself for a verbal assualt, but after a couple moments of more silence, he risked another glance. They had stopped walking, and Kristsi was staring at him with obvious disapproval. Kell could tell she was struggling to retain her composure.

"....eight, nine, ten." She took another deep breathe and forced a smile on her face. "Sorry. I was so lost in my thoughts I haven't even really been paying attention," she said stiffly. She reached out with her thoughts, probing for any sign of Susanne. A confused look came on her face, and she tried again. "That's funny...she's not here anymore. Where can she be?" she said, bitting her lip in concern.

"You mean we've been walking all this time and she's not even here?" Kell said in disbelief. "I can't believe it!!! Here I was trying to be polite and trust that you were heading us in the right direction, and you were too engrossed with yourself to see that she's not even here!!! I can't believe it! Females! Geez!" He mumbled.

"You slimy, immature BOY!!!" Kristsi said in a low, menacing voice. "If you knew the half of what I've had on my mind, you'd be suprised I could WALK at the same time!!! You sure know how to push my buttons, don't you? Well, guess what, you've succeeded in PISSING ME OFF!!! CONGRATULATIONS!" Kristsi opened her Hammerspace and bodily shoved Kell in, but not before Kell grabbed a hold of her wrist and dragged her in after him.


Kell landed with a thud and started to get up to dust himself off. "...stupid girl!" He muttered. "She promised not to shove me in here... UMPH!!!" Kristsi landed on top of him, knocking him to the floor again. "Um, Enelra," he mumbled from under her, "GET OFF!!!"

Kristsi rolled off him and got to her feet, pushing at the stray strand of hair that always fell into her eyes. "Well, that's one use for you!!! You make quite a handy cushion! But you really should try to keep some of that pudge off, Kell. It's unhealthy. And stop calling me Enelra."

"But that's you're name."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is!"

"No, it's.... Let's not start this again!!!" Kristsi said, rolling her eyes.

"You brought it up," Kell protested.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Oh, STOP IT!!!" Kristsi screamed. She stalked off, weaving her way through the various 'essentials' she had tossed in her Hammerspace. "Great. I don't even know how to get out of here Kell! Just like a male to get me into a mess!"

"Hey, you're the one who pushed me in," Kell retorted, his vivid blue eyes flashing in growing irritation. He was getting pretty tired of this fickle girl. "You can't blame everything on me!"

"Oh yeah? Just watch me, you scummy...." Kristsi stopped in mid sentence, her thoughts focuing on something besides the blonde man in front of her. Her mind probed through the vastness of Hammerspace. "She's here, somewhere," she said. "C'mon, the sooner we start looking, the sooner we'll find her." She started walking rapidly, following Susanne's thoughts.

Kell morphed and took up his accustomed place on Kristsi shoulder. Kristsi stared down at the small reptile with a warning glance. "You watch it bud---you're still walking on thin ice!" Kell's faceted eyes just whirled in amused colors of yellow.