“Ah, it’s so good to be catching up on gossip!” Orpheus exclaimed as “he” and Anaera went out into the garden again.

“Yeah, to think, we barely even knew Roger was gone! Those people on the Guardian's Council must be dumb as posts and nasty as, as…” A good comparison failed Anaera. “Well, I’m glad he’s back. Even if he made Meredith... uncomfortable, this morning.”

The friends started giggling. It didn’t last long, though. Anaera sobered up and asked, “Is everyone on the Guardian Council a bastard?”

“No, not everyone, but a lot of them. Many of them have lost a lot over the years, and are left with only Rules to believe in. Many more were just born uptight. Some of them are okay. A few of them are compassionate and will actually try understanding you before they condemn you.”

“Do any of them know your story?”

“I don’t know, really. Those that were there at the time… Well, most of them died, a few survived somehow, but I don’t know if they remember. Most of them just think I’m ‘Orpheus, the Only Gay Guardian.’ They have only contempt for me.”

“No wonder they left you in misery for so long! Most of those a**holes probably didn’t even care.” Anaera put her arm around her Guardian’s shoulders as they walked along one of the garden paths. They put their heads together and discussed all of the pranks, ranging from Disney-level to the level of the Marquis de Sade, they would love to play on the anal-retentive Council members.

Eventually, they sat down, because they had more serious matters to discuss.

“Why don’t you put the Helmet on, Nae-nae? I don’t want anyone eavesdropping.”

Anaera started. “Why did you call me that? That’s what my father called me!”

“Do you mind if I call you that? I like the way it sounds.”

“I think I’d like it, Orphy.”

Anaera followed Orpheus’s suggestion and put of the Helmet of Darkness, adjusting it to garble their speech. She could just set it to mute their speech to others, but it was more fun to have them thoroughly confused, trying to make heads or tails of their talk. And it was very important issue under discussion: what to do next?

“I just don’t know for certain,” Orpheus said, “I think you need to find your Bishounen, but everyone else seems to have forgotten about that. I think we also need to increase your powers, but I’m not quite sure. All I know with any certainty is that we need to leave.”

Anaera frowned, and thought, and sighed. “You’re right. Much as I’ve enjoyed the company, I need to move on. Besides, I don’t know how long I can call these people friends – we’re supposed to fight each other after all. And for all that we’re starting to like each other, it’s best to pull out now. The less we care for one another, the less will be the betrayal.”

“We should probably go now.”

Anaera sighed again. “You’re right, again. But I would like to say goodbye at least to Susanne and Roger.”

The two walked down the path back toward the house. Anaera sighed another time. “Seems like I always have to hold back from people.”

“You’ve got me! And I’ll always watch your back!” Orpheus cried, and then jumped onto Anaera’s back, so she was forced to carry him piggy-back.


“All the better to protect it!”

“Right again,” Anaera laughed. Then, more serious, “I’m glad you’re with me, Orphy. As long as I have you, I don’t have to hold back from feeling.” Anaera hitched her Guardian into a better position on her back. “And if you keep behaving, I might even let you cross-dress!"