"Isn't this great," Remy smiled and turned her head towards the sun's warm glare, as she, P-kun, and the log flew across the earth. She was flying… granted, she needed a wooden stick and a log to do it… but damn! *She* was flying! It's was beyond great. It was indescribable.

"It sure beats walking," P-kun agreed, reluctantly. Okay, for once in the duration of the game, Ko-chan actually did something useful. All that time he thought she was ignoring him and the game, she had really been thinking things through. She had discovered that Otaku can manipulate the Bishounen World to a certain extent and she finally found her weapon of choice, a very strange weapon of choice, but a weapon just the same. Maybe now she'll stop whining… "naw," he murmured under his breath, "I'm not that lucky."

"What was that?"

Whoops… did he say that out loud… "uhh… Nan demo nai…"

"If you say so." Remy said, deciding not to question him further. She really didn't want to know. It was sure to be something demeaning and insulting. What else could it be? Sometimes, he could be the most annoying…uh… thing she had ever met. But, she had to admit that the little arguments they had were kinda growing on her. When she really thought about it, it was more like a light banter between friends. Remy grinned. Friends… yes, that's what they were.

"See, it's not even dark yet… we should be back to the Mori in no time. Damn I love being right!" she glanced back at her Guardian, "You should trust me more often."

P-kun laughed. "umm no, I don't think so. I'm sure this is just a one time only thing…"

Remy turned as far as she could on the log and whacked his shoulder… hard.

"Hidoi! You're my Guardian. Aren't you supposed to be encouraging me?"

"Nope. I think your head's big enough."

She whacked him again. "It is not!"

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is t- … uh… Ko-chan?"

"What!?" she asked, annoyed at her Guardian.

"ummm… that was the Mori." P-kun turned and pointed behind him. Remy looked past his pointing finger and sure enough, there was the fading image of the Mori.

"Shimatte!" She turned herself forward, held on to log and willed it to turn around. "Hold on tight."

"Nan-… Ko-chan… yamete… you can't turn like that… Ko-chan!" The log was going too fast to make a smooth about face at the angle she had it. Damn that girl!! What the hell was wrong with her?! P-kun had to do something before they both fell out of that damn log. She just had to fly… high too!! "Ko-chan, you can't turn like that!" he repeated.

"P-kun, trust me."

Trust her?! Yeah right. He wasn't stupid. Stubborn girl. P-kun knew she wasn't listening to anything he was saying. It was time to be the Guardian and take matters into his own hands. With that solved in his mind he quickly saw an opening and grabbed the birdie wand. "I'll take that."

"P-kun!" Remy gasped. As she realized his intent, her fingers gripped the wand more tightly. "P-kun…let g-" She cut off as he pried the wand from her. In his human form, he was far stronger than she could ever hope to be. But even though P-kun now had the wand, he was too late. Remy had already started the turn and if he were to try to come out of it and turn in the other direction the log might start to spin. And even if he knew they wouldn't spin, he had no clue how to work that damn wand. Damn, this is bad.

"Oh Kami-sama… we're going to die!!" P-kun shouted at Remy. He grabbed the log and held on for dear life as the log turned and tilted violently. If they weren't both holding on to the log as if their life depended on it (and it sure did) they would have, undoubtedly, fell to their doom. But, they lived through it… and they were still alive… and now the log was, again, pointing in the direction of the Mori. P-kun let out a long sigh of relief that was instantly cut of by a sharp intake of breath. Still clutched in his hand was the birdie wand. "Oh God…" They might have lived through the turn, and they might be on their way back to the Mori, but because the wand was no longer in Remy's possession, the log was falling… very quickly.

"Damn you P-kun!" Remy whacked P-kun for the third time and snatched back the wand. "Don't ever do that again!… Izati Abamehinamu Etokafe Nan!" The log stabilized and straightened. They weren't very far from the Mori. Actually, if they landed now, they'd be about 200 ft. from the Mori door. "Time to end this little joyride… demo…"

"demo…?" P-kun did not like the tone in Remy's voice, "But what?!" he asked more insistently.

"I don't know how to stop."


"Now don't freak out… I can do this… I think." She closed her eyes and silently willed the log to stop. The log suddenly lit up in a blue flare and slowly lost altitude. But, although it was lowering to the ground, the speed of that darn log was not changing. "Ko-chan… stop this thing!"

"I'm trying. I'm trying."

"Try harder!!… uh… Ko-chan… Ko-chan?"

"What?!" She opened her eyes and they immediately widened in shock. Standing before her was the strong sturdy silhouette of a tree… a *big* tree. There was no time. Remy quickly closed her eyes again and braced herself.