Mercy awoke and found herself sitting in a chair. She was dazed and confused. She remembered that she was fighting Nyx and she also remembered have a gun pointed at her chest, but that was it. Mercy looked around, she thought she recognized the place. Then she saw Nyx sitting at the bar pouring herself a stiff drink. She had shot glasses lining the bar.

Nyx flatly commented, "Oh, sleeping beauty is awake."

"I'm not sleeping beauty, I'm just plain old me." Mercy retorted.

"Whatever," Nyx said as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, don't give me that."

"So, where's your chia pet?" Nyx asked.

"Who knows and who gives a flying flips of a rat ass where he is!"

Mercy screamed. "Hey, didn't you have a rifle pointed at my chest and weren't you going to kill me?" Mercy asked.

Nyx pours herself another stiff drink and chugs the shot, she fingers the rim of the glass and begins to speak, "I didn't feel like it."

"You didn't feel like, what kinda answer is that?" Mercy exclaimed.

"Live with it." Nyx smiles and pulls out her handy PH gun from her trenchcoat and stated, "Unless you want me to kill you". Nyx then walks over the Mercy, looms over her, and places her hand on Mercy's forehead.

Mercy slowly feels her energy being drained. "Nani!!! What the hell are you doing?"

"Feeding," Nyx replied.

Mercy tears Nyx's hand away from her forehead and screams, "Keep your hands off me!!!"

Nyx just smiles.

Suddenly the door of the Mori slams open and a tall figure with orange hair is standing in the doorway.

Nyx says flatly, "Oh look, guess who's here, it's the chia pet."

Orion just glared at her.

"What the hell are you doing in the Mori?? You could be killed!!!" Orion screamed.

"Calm down, Orion, I'm still alive aren't I?" Mercy snapped back.

"Come on, where getting out of here and now!!"

"Nope, sorry, Orion. I'm going to enjoy my drink, so we're not going anywhere."

Orion walks up to her and slaps her. Mercy is in shock and Nyx just shrugs while gulping down another shot.

"I tend to stay out of domestic disturbances," Nyx retorted.

Orion and Mercy just glared at her.

"Why the hell did you slap me Orion!" Mercy screamed.

"Because you deserved it, and plus now you know what it feels like to be slapped!"

Mercy was to stunned to speak. "You... you... you... jerk! Get out of my sight!"

"Like hell I will. I'm going to sit right here and wait for you to finish your drink and then we are leaving, even if I have to carry you out of here myself."

"You lay a hand on me and you will be injured. I'm pissed off at you and you don't mess with me when I'm pissed!"

"Whatever," Orion said as he rolled his eyes.

Mercy just glared at him and then took a sip of her drink. Just then Nyx reaches into her HammerSpace and throws Mercy a beer.
