Susanne had told Anaera the same thing that she had told Meredith. They would probably be better off splitting up, at least for the time being.

But it worried her. Anaera had been pulled here, even though she had been nowhere near the others when Celly had brought them here. That meant that everyone else was probably here. Mercy, Kristsi, Remy... Nyx...

Celly had issues, that much was certain. Her personality shifts were violent and unpredictable. But as Celly, she was stable. More or less. Stable when compared to Nyx.

Now Susanne looked carefully into shop windows and crowds, anywhere someone could shoot from. Both Celly and Nyx had proved that they had no qualms about taking an enemy out from a distance.

But Susanne suspected that Celly had been trying to flush her out somehow. People were still gawking at the remains of the Matterhorn, and the Japanese tourists were still taking pictures -- along with the press, of course. It hadn't taken very long for the media to arrive. They came before the police, naturally.

Susanne had walked almost a full circle around the park now. She hadn't seen anyone, though momentarily, she'd thought she'd felt an Otaku in Toontown. But she couldn't tell, and she didn't want to call attention to whoever it was, so she'd walked on. And now she was back at Sleeping Beauty's Castle.

She glanced back over her shoulder at the kids standing around the Sword in the Stone, trying to pull it out.


She couldn't have said why, but all of a sudden she jumped down and rolled aside. Looking back, she saw what looked like a pothole in the pavement where she had been standing.

She jumped to her feet and looked up...

How the hell did Celly get to the top of the castle?

Celly looked like she was laughing. Susanne followed her gaze...

Her little sister and three of her friends were running towards the sword.

Susanne saw Celly take her gun back out and aim it.

How dare she???

Susanne felt her aura flare, but she didn't care. No use trying to stay hidden anymore. She'd been found.

The blast that she threw at Celly took out the entire top half of the Castle.

"You want a fight, Celly?" she called as pieces of the Castle started to rain down around her. "You've got it!"