Celly had taken great pleasure out of blowing up that mountain. She had dropped the gauntlet... all she had to do was wait for Hotohori no Otaku to pick it up. Baka shoujo, she thought to herself as she walked through the park, unmindful of the screaming around her and the police arriving on the scene. She has morals... values... she won't allow me to hurt these people, no matter how fictional they are. This will be her downfall. Now, where to wait for the spoils? Celly looked up and saw the perfect place to wait for her opponent to strike back.

It had taken precious little effort for Celly to scale the castle. She sat at its peak, idly taking in the chaotic scene below her. This is perfect. I'll be able to see her and make the first strike. Another wave of dizziness struck her, and Celly held on to the castle to keep from falling.

"Shimatta! How long is it going to take me to get accustomed to this body again? My other half left of her own will! I should have full control!" Celly shook her head and stared down at the ground again, watching the people scurry below her like ants. She smiled and decided to up the stakes.

Nonchalantly, she conjured a small ball of energy to her hand and with a flick of her wrist, tossed it down, not even really looking at where she was aiming.

Celly laughed insanely as she watched the explosion knock aside the little people. Her eye was caught by the movement of a blonde girl and her friends. She frowned as she remembered that she did not have her sniper rifle anymore. "Oh well, I guess I have to go back to the old mainstay." Celly reached into HammerSpace and withdrew a shotgun. She wouldn't have the same precision, but the kick of the gun would do the trick. She trained the barrel on the bouncing blonde head...

And an energy blast ripped out of nowhere and struck the top of the castle. Celly had seen it out of the corner of her eye and, luckily for her, the blast had been poorly aimed and she was not hit. But the top of the castle was falling.

Falling on her.

As Celly plummeted to the ground she saw the spark of a chocolate colored aura and heard the cry.

"You want a fight, Celly? You've got it!"

Celly grinned and twisted in midair so she would land on her feet. She felt her own aura flare, dark and black... a tribute to her possession of her host. She pulled out the BBBoD and morphed it. All this took place in a matter of seconds. By the time she hit the ground, Celly had psyched herself for the fight with her most hated enemy.
