Celly walked idly around the themepark, searching for Otaku. She stretched her senses and smiled. She could feel the presence of all of the Otaku somewhere in the park. All in one place... makes it easier for me to hunt. She vaguely wondered why she had decided to leave Hotohori no Otaku to her fate, but shook it off. The destruction around her did not faze her, neither did the masses of police and reporters. She grimly walked through the debris, her mind set on one goal.

Find the Otaku.

Force them out of the Game.

"Hey! You!"

Celly turned and frowned at the police officer that was behind her.

"You're not allowed here! The park is closed and we're making everyone leave. Disneyland is a crime scene!" He grabbed her arm to force her to leave and she scowled at his offensive hand.

"Remove you hand from her person," she stated coldly.

"You must be in shock. Look, there are medical personnel in the parking lot. Now, let's go, little lady." He attempted to pull her away. Celly frowned more.

"Remove your hand from my person or suffer the consequences."

The cop held on steadfastly. Celly raised her hand. There was a flash of light and the cop was no more.

"I warned you," Celly tossed behind her as she made her way through the park. She looked up as a violent fight rang out near Big Thunder Mountain. She ran in the direction of the fight.
