Celly applauded when Nyx killed her sometime lover. Nyx turned around and faced the newcomer with a hiss.

"Truly, you skills are impressive," Celly stated as she stepped away from the buildings and into plain view. "But such a fight is beneath you. A Guardian and a child of an Otaku? I mus admit that your battle with Chichiri no Otaku was worthy of your skill, but still lacking."

"Do you mean to demean my skills in such a way?!?" Nyx snarled, brandishing her blades.

Celly laughed. "Why, no. I meant to state that you should fight one who is an equal in skill to truly test your mettle." With her lips set in a grim line, Celly's eyes narrowed, all traces amusement gone from them. Her BBBoD appeared in her hand. "Face me, Nakago no Otaku! I call you to battle!"

"I accept," Nyx said equally as grimly. The two Otaku circled each other. No quarter was given. Each assessed her opponent with the most clinical of eyes, testing for weaknesses. This would be a fight that would have one winner, and one winner alone.
