Nyx swung to the left. Her Tache struck the adjacent pole. Rapath raised her sword to strike the trenchcoat girl, when....


A chi blast hit her at the base of the spine. Rapath fell over. Nyx was safe. Who had saved her?

It was Mercy.

Nyx was confused. Mercy? Helping me? Either she has really bad aim... or...

Kristsi was clutching the railing, helping herself up to her feet. Her eyes pierced through Tasuki no Otaku.

"Look out, baka!" Nyx pulled her sword from the post. Kristisi was going to blast Mercy at close range.

Think fast, think fast... Nyx pulled out a pair of throwing knives and darted them in the direction of Mercy and Kristsi.

"NANII??" Mercy cried.

"Duck baka girl!" Nyx screamed just as Kristisi blasted her chi and hit Mercy squarely from behind.

The throwing knives hit Kristisi's shirt sleeves and pinned her up against the adjacent wall.

Mercy collapsed. Nyx ran to her aid.

"You ok?" she asked. She saw that Mercy was injured. Nyx channeled Malkivian. The winged creature descended next to the Otaku. "Get on." Nyx lifted her onto Malki's crest.

"I can't..." Mercy stammered. "How do I know you're not going to kill me?"

"I saved your ass. You saved mine. We're even. Now get on and shut the hell up."

Nyx mounted the dragon as well and took to the skies. From the air, they would have a far better advantage on their emnemies.
