Celly blinked, her vision a bit hazy. The last shreds of daylight filtered through her window and she rubbed her eyes wearily as her memories stored themselves in her mind. It was strange. She felt... whole... complete. Her memories which had been kept from her before were now back where they belonged. She felt like her head would explode or something. Well, duh. She had just added over a thousand years worth of memories and experience into her head. She was bound to feel a bit out of it. Celly sat up and her muscles protested against the strain. Shimatta, she thought. The fighting in Disneyland really took it out of me. I guess what they say about adrenaline is true. Celly's eyes wandered around the room and a familiar fear gripped her. She was alone. She was alone again.

A slight snore interrupted her dark thoughts. Celly's eyes focused on the source of the sound and she smiled. Dionysus and Mamoru were both fast asleep on the couch. Dionysus was the one who was snoring slightly, and Mamoru had a little dribble of drool at the corner of his mouth. Celly chuckled to herself as she stood up and walked over to the two sleeping men. She stopped chuckling when she remembered about her fight with Dionysus. She frowned at that. Her memories only made the pain of his betrayal hurt even more. She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she nearly tripped over the bottle that was lying on the floor. She bent over slowly and picked it up.

"Brandy?" she said wonderingly, then gazed at the two sleeping men with a furrowed brow. "They... were drinking? I was in a virtual coma and they were drinking?!?" Celly glared angrily at the two men for a moment before taking action. "BAKAYAROU!!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs, and kicked both of the men off the couch.

They both snapped awake in time to feel themselves smash into the hardwood floor.



"Don't 'imouto-chan' me, nii-chan! You were drinking, weren't you!?" Celly started to chew out her brother, ignoring Dionysus completely. "You know what happens when you drink! How many times have I warned you about this?!?" Celly shook her fist underneath her brother's nose.

Mamoru, who had finally gathered his wits together, frowned back. He pushed Celly aside and stood up, towering over her. "You can't tell me what to do, imouto. I'm the head of the household. What I do doesn't concern you."

"You're so thick-headed, Mamoru-‘nii-chan! I'm not going to take any of your Japanese conceptions about family! You should be glad that I'm looking out for your well being!"

As Celeste and Mamoru began to bicker back and forth, Dionysus silently thanked whatever gods had spared him from this sibling rivalry.

"Fine! Whatever!" Celly exclaimed. "I won't care about you anymore! I won't even spit on you if you catch on fire!"


"Good!" Celly stared at the empty bottle that was still in her left hand. Then she muttered, "If you're gonna drink something, it should at least be something stronger."

Mamoru facefalted. "Are you saying that you're started drinking?!?"

Celly stuck out her tongue at her brother. "Bi-dah!"

"You are so immature."
