The sun shone through the thin curtain drifting in the breeze. Nyx awoke to the sound of a door creeking shut. She was completely aware that her surroundings were alien to her. She bolted from the bed and dreew a phosphorous gun at her unexpected visitor. She held the gun at the man's temple.

"You'd better start talkin' or I won't think twice about pulling this here trigger."

Titanian nodded his head. "Please, don't hurt me. I mean you no harm."

Nyx pushed him into one of the chairs. "Talk."

"My lady, His Majesty will have my head...!" he squealed.

Nyx drew her katana. "Either he does or I do."

The advisor quivered. "What do you want to know?"

"First off, where is here?"

"You are in the country of Shun Jun. Our Prince has brought you here."

"But why?" Nyx recalled the figure of the man in the Mickey ears and "I Love L.A." T-shirt.

"He does not reveal his plans to me, my lady."

"Well I have to get the hell out of here." She waved her hand, about to open the Mobius Continuum.

Titanian gripped her arm. "No. Please. You cannot. If your disobey His Majestty, he will not rest till you are found. He has taken an interest in you, my lady."

"Listen, stop calling me 'my lady.' The name is Nyx. And I'm getting my ass out of here."

"Please, my lady. You must not! If he finds that you are gone, he will take my life. Nothing and no one matters to His Majesty. I fear for my life and the lives of those under his service. Please, do not go." The man pleaded for her cooperation.

Nyx placed her hand down to her side. She could not bear to see the man beg. It was a sight far too pathetic. She could see now that there was no hope for Nakago in this time or in the last. He was truly a man of great evil and destruction. "And I'm his Otaku.." She muttered under her breath.

"Otaku?" Titanian spoke. "You are a priestess?"

Nyx nodded. "Yes. I am Nakago no Otaku. I believe that the soul of my god has been reborn into Your Prince. I am his warrior. I fight for his cause." Cause? Nyx muttered to herself... to be the most powerful Bishounen, eh? Yeah...what a cause to fight for. She shook her head--it wasn't bullshit, it was what she was there to do. It just took a little getting used to.

"Please, do not leave." Titanian fell to his knees.

"I won't. At least not as of yet."

Nyx looked far off into the distace. Seth? Where was Seth? Konan was far away... 'Oh Seth, get your ass over here!'


Seth had returned to the Mori. He sat at the counter... drinking up a storm.


His ears perked up. "Hello." He looked around. It was Nyx's voice he heard. But it sounded far off in the cosmos. She was channeling him. And he heard it??? He bolted from his seat, knocking thr chair down.

"I'm coming!" he dashed out the door. Five seconds later he was back inside. "Just where am I going?"
