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Susanne slid a disk into her computer and listened impatiently as it clicked and hummed.


"Thanks," she said, taking the disk out and putting it in her pocket and closing her computer.

A movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention and she whirled to see Bob coming from the direction of the command room.

"Hotohori no Otaku," he hissed.

The only thing she could think was that he would alert everyone here to her presence. That and the fact that she thought she'd killed him already. She quickly set her computer down and pulled out the knife she'd grabbed from her HammerSpace when she'd left as she lunged for him.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

"The fact that you're giving me a couple tries to convince you just goes to show that, deep down, you sympathize with us."

"You've got one more try before I--"

Alarms sounded as the lights in the hallway started to flash.

"Sounds like your Otaku already got herself discovered!" Dionysus shouted over the din.

"If Celly does anything to her--"

"She's on Celly's ground! Celly can do whatever she likes!"

Roger raised his fist, but he felt it being grabbed. For a fraction of a second, he thought that Dionysus was taking the initiative in the fight, then he felt himself practically yanked off the ground. His head turned to see that Susanne was in headlong flight, pulling him along. He recovered and started running beside her and she let go of his hand.

"The door I came in wouldn't let me out!" she shouted. "Where'd you get in?"

"Back there somewhere!"

Great... now they'd have to find a totally new way out of here.

"Kuso!" Susanne said as they rounded a corner to find a roomful of armed Unnamed Otaku. They spun around and ran back the way they had come, but they hadn't been running a minute when they saw another group of Unnamed Otaku headed for them. They could hear the footsteps of the ones they'd left still following them.

"What are these, stormtroopers?" Roger said sarcastically.

"Well, if they're in any way similar, they'll be easy to kill!" Susanne shot an energy blast straight into the oncoming group. The few that survived it were disoriented enough not to notice the two tresspassers run by them.

"Where's that entrance of yours, Rog?" Susanne shouted.

"Somewhere up ahead, now!"

"You're sure?"

"Of course! Whoa! I think it's here!"

The alarms hadn't stopped, so Susanne wondered how he could tell. Sure enough, though, with a touch of his hand, the wall opened and they tumbled out. The door closed behind them, and they took off running once again.