Meredith suddenly found herself in an unfamiliar place, and was clueless, as usual, about how she got there.

"What the freak?!"

Then she saw Kristsi, who appeared to be just as astonished as she was.

"How'd you get here?" Kristsi's response didn't do anything to explain

Meredith's sudden appearance. "I mean, I know I wished you were here, but this is a bit wierd."

"Well, I was wondering where you were. Maybe this is part of my new powers... I wonder..." Meredith concentrated a minute, but nothing happened. "Oh well. What's up?"

"My Dad... My Mom... In the game... killed... replacement..." As Kristsi began to talk, the words tumbled out over eachother and came out all jumbled. Meredith had a hard time understanding what on earth Kristsi was trying to say. She did catch that it was a dream of some sort, though.

"Whoa. Slow down, hon." She calmed Kristsi down, and the small brunette explained why she was rattled. Once she finished, Meredith was almost as astonished as Kristsi, but not distraught.

"And that's why I wanted you here. What should I do?"

"Do? Well. you're in the Game now, there's really not much you can do about that. Not anyhting any of us can do. There are times I want out too, you know. But it does make sense that Kell is your brother. You say you were dreaming?"

"No, I was in my father's dream. I'm still not quite sure how, but I can see into other people's dreams."

"Must be your 'special power'." Meredith didn't say anything for a while. A radio was playing in the background, and she muttered, "I hate this song!" Instantly, the station changed, and Meredith was again lost in thought.

"What was that?" Kristsi said with an edge in her voice.


"The radio. The station changed all by itself."

"It changed? I hadn't noticed. Hmmm.. I guess it did."

"Did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Change the station. You said you hated the song, and the music changed. How did you do that?"

"Oh, I guess I did, didn't I. I've kinda discovered that I can control the energy around me... it usually works best when I'm not thinking about it, at least for now. I'm working on controlling it. Does Kell know?" Meredith was the master at subject changes... abrupt subject changes.

"Know what?"

"That he's your brother."

"I don't know, but he does call me Enelra on occasion. That's what my Dad called me in his dream."

"When you see people's dreams, are you there in the dream, taking part, or are you just like a bystander, watching like a fly on the wall?"

"I'm just watching. I don't think they know I'm there."

Meredith soaked up all the information, and thought for a minute. "I wonder..."
