The meeting had ended. Everyone was slowly leaving the conference room. Celly had left first to put Sorano to bed, since she had started to fall asleep during the meeting. Dionysus had followed her a few minutes after exchanging words with Mamoru-sama. Orion had moved to another end of the room leaning up against the wall. He had faded into the shadows... of course, there was a reason for that. He didn’t want Mercy to notice that he was watching her again. He just couldn’t help it, she was just so... so... fascinating. Plus it was part of the Guardian’s job description. He wanted to know what she was working on so earnestly. Had Celly asked her to do something... or was she just doing personal things? He shrugged... he certainly didn’t want to go butting in if it was her personal business. He didn’t want to get slapped by the blonde Otaku again. But, there was something bothering him about her appearance... something just didn’t look right, but he couldn’t figure out what it was. His eyes darted to the top of her head and slowly made their way down. Just then, something inside him snapped. Mercy was wearing b different shirt and it hung down past her knees. Orion felt his anger rising. He wanted to know whose shirt she was wearing and why. Orion slammed his fist against the wall and stepped out off the shadows. He started walking towards her.

Mercy was too caught up in daydreaming to notice that Orion was walking towards her, and the fact that he didn’t look happy. Mercy had been fantasizing about the events that had taken place with Kagetsuya-sama. Atashi no baka! How could I slap him? I know Kagetsuya-sama doesn’t blame me, but... Mercy shook her head, not wanting to think about it. She also didn’t want to think about the fact that Nyx had shot her again. Does Nyx get a thrill out of shooting me? Is this some sort of Freudian thing...? The mental image of a long shotgun barrel shooting something into her made Mercy blush and she slapped her hands over her face. Mercy no ecchi! Ecchi! Ecchi! Ecchi! Mercy didn’t know the reasoning behind Nyx’s yen for shooting her... on second thought, she didn’t want to know. She really didn’t want to know. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned, looked up, and saw Orion standing behind her.

"What is it now, Orion?"

"I was wondering... since when did you start wearing men’s shirts? Don’t you usually wear a white one?"

Mercy turned away, her face turning bright red. She should have expected this, but it was just too soon. She hadn’t even dealt with the situation that had transpired.

"I... I... I don’t know..." Mercy stammered.

Orion looked at her, puzzled by her answer. He wanted answers * now *

"Mercy, don’t lie to me. Who does this shirt belong to?" Orion said as his voice grew with anger.

Mercy slowly stood up and began to collect her things. Everyone who was still in the conference room started to move towards the door. They really didn’t want to witness another fight between the Otaku and her Guardian.

Mercy slowly turned to walk away and as she did she said calmly, "Orion, I don’t think that is any of your business. You may be my Guardian, but you have no right to interfere with my personal life."

Orion just looked at her, stunned. He had totally expected her to blow up and start kicking his ass, but she did the complete opposite... she did nothing.

Mercy started to walk away and felt something grab her wrist. She stiffened in surprise. "Orion, please let go of my wrist." Tears had already started to slide down her cheeks, but with her back turned to him, Orion couldn’t see them. It was too much" why couldn’t he understand that she didn’t want him interfering? Why couldn’t he just leave her alone? A flash of Kagetsuya’s shocked face and reddened cheek flashed across her eyes. It was too much all at once.

"No. What kind of answer is ‘you have no right to interfere with my personal life’? I want a straight answer, and I want it now!!!"

"She doesn’t have to tell you anything if she doesn’t want to," Kagetsuya said as he stepped out from the shadows and moved towards Mercy. When he reached her side, he quietly crossed his arms and stared down at the Guardian. Before Orion could start yelling again, Mercy turned around to face the both of them with tears shamelessly running down her cheeks. Orion suddenly let go her wrist at the sight. He hated to hurt her, but he wanted to know the truth. Damn, he really hated seeing her cry.

Mercy couldn’t take it anymore, and she ran past both of the men, accidentally whacking Orion’s shoulder as she blindly ran out of the room.

Kagetsuya followed Mercy with his eyes for a moment, before he proceeded to turn and walk out of another door. He easily ignored Orion, who was yelling in the background, "Would someone tell me why the hell Mercy is wearing a guy’s shirt and who is the yarou is?!?"
