>A little disorientated, she murmured the very first thing that came into her head:

"All right, where the hell is my car?!"

::giggle giggle::<

"Nan-" she drew in a sharp breath as the air in front of her condensed and sizzled to life. Appearing before her was the brief outline of a giggling girl whose height and coloring resembled hers. The girl's hair, although shorter, shone in the sun with the same reddish-brown tint and her face, though somewhat chubbier, carried Remy's nose, having practically no bridge, and Remy's full pink lips. Remy could almost believe she was looking into a funhouse mirror…almost… but the eyes that danced with merriment were a warm dark-chocolate brown instead of her icy storm-cloud gray.

She walked out of the clear air as if it was no big deal at all… and it wasn't… not really, anyway. It was ~her~ story after all. Still giggling uncontrollably, the she caught a quick glance of Remy and stopped abruptly. Her brown eyes darkened in awe: pure, gut wrenching awe. Remy was…

"kirei na," she sighed longingly, "I really did out do myself." So this was what she would look like if she were actually one of the pretty people. Damn. Her hope flared. She had some potential after all.

A very very uncomfortable Remy took a giant step back. This girl may look like her, but she did not like the way she ~looked~ at her. It was… nerving… extremely nerving.

"Donata wa?"

The girl visibly straightened her composure. The purpose of her visit pushed itself to the forefront of her mind. There wasn't time. She had to make this quick… this was Sunday night… and she had class tomorrow.

"Hana," she answered directly.


"I'm Hana," the girl repeated. "Actually, I'm you… at least, I created you."

"You're me?" Remy shook her head, confused. "You ~created~ me?!"

"For a game…" Hana sighed, suddenly realizing something. "This might be harder than I thought."

"A game…?" Remy echoed. "What the hell is going on here?!"

"Okay… calm down…" Deep breath. Exhale. "Let me explain… A few days ago, my friends and I started this game, the Bishounen Wars…"

"The Bishounen Wars?…"

"uh…yeah. Every one of us participating has a specific character that we personally make and we create stories for these characters. You're my character. Your sole purpose is to play this game. You're here because I want you to be."

"And where exactly is 'here'?"

"The Bishounen Land, the gameboard of the game, so to speak."

"And what am I supposed to be doing here?"

"You have to fight the other characters-"

"Doshite?" Remy interrupted. The day way just getting better and better. She could barely chop chicken without freaking out. How the hell was she supposed to fight another human being?!

"For your bishounen." Hana explained. "You fight in the name of your chosen bishounen."

"My bishounen?"


"Wait." Remy paused, trying to digest everything this Hana person had said. It made no sense… no sense at all. "If you created me… and you're writing this story as we speak… why are you here? What's the point of having you in this story?"

"Writer's block." She answered matter-of-factly.


"Look… I'm not proud of it, but I got writer's block. My character needs to know what she's doing in Bishounen Land and she needs to know what type of powers she has before she can successfully attack an opponent. I didn't want to leave you in the dark for very long... I didn't want someone attacking you before you knew what was going on… so I figured showing myself to you was the best and easiest way to accomplish this."

"Accomplish what?!" Remy was just not getting any of this. She wanted to go home. She wanted a huge meal and a warm bed. She wanted out of this world…NOW!

"Sorry, can't do that."

"How… nevermind… I don't want to know."

"Look," Hana continued, "You… uh… damn… I thought this would be a lot easier." She tried again. "You understand why you're here right?"

"To fight for my 'chosen bishounen' in Bishounen Land" Remy said, not understanding at all.

"You don't understand." It was a statement, rather than a question. "You're here to fight other characters…"

"Fight other characters…?"

"For the bishounen you like the most."

"For my bishounen…?"

"You're a character in our stories."

"Just a character…?"


"I don't get it…" And she didn't… not one bit of it.

"Damn." This wasn't getting them anywhere.

"You don't have to curse at me…" Remy sighed, "I'm not exactly Einstein you know…"

But she could be…

That was it… all Hana had to do was give Remy a couple of IQ points… She snapped her fingers. That should do it.

In a sudden burst of inspiration, Remy suddenly saw it all. "I'm a character in a game you and your friends are playing."


"I have to fight people for my bishounen… for a pretty face…"


"I'm here because you created me…"


"For your entertainment," Remy continued, "because this is what you do for fun… because you're pathetically trying to make up for your lack of a social lif-"

Hana snapped her fingers again… Remy's IQ points dropped… too much insight… way too much. Anyway, ~she~ was the creator. She didn't need her own character lecturing her about her social life, or lack there of…

"What just happened?" Remy questioned, somewhat dazed.

A sharp "nothing" was the reply.

"So what now?"

"I have no clue… wait…" Hana paused… briefly thinking this through. "Yes… I got it." With that, she cupped her palms up and raised her arms. It was almost as if she was asking for communion at church… but her hands burned with a radiant blue light… the same blue light that brought Remy to this "Bishounen Land". As the light faded, Remy could see that Hana's palms were no longer empty.

"Here." She extended her arm towards Remy and nonchalantly tossed her a book. "Read this. It should explain everything…" And, in a swirl of light, she was gone.

Remy eyed the book…

"Hon no Tame ni Bishounen no Heishi"

This was not good. "Oh, Kami-sama… what have I gotten myself into?"

She reluctantly opened the "Handbook for the Bishounen's Warrior" and began to read…