>As Bob ran to do her bidding, Rapath blocked his path and cut down the sidekick. "I won't let you go after her!" she declared, still wielding her sword.

"Bob!" Celly screamed. She turned furious eyes on Rapath. "Dammit! Don't you know how hard it is too find a good sidekick?!?" Celly opened her HammerSpace, reached in, and pulled out a new "Bob".

"Go easy on them! I don't have that many too spare!"<

Celly's mind spun with possibilities. She had to stop Hotohori no Otaku. She had to keep Rapath away from her. She had to keep Bob from dying again.

Aww, screw it, she thought to herself, and reached into HammerSpace. She gave a quick prayer and threw the object she had in her hand at Hotohori no Miko.

Celly missed, and the first volume of Encycopedia Britanica clocked Hotohori no Otaku's friend instead. She dropped like a stone. Susanne spun around, then ducked, barely missing Volume Two. "Ya looney!!!" she screamed, dodging volumes 3 through 5, "You'll poke someones eye out!!!"

Rapath was amazed by this display but began dodging volumes 6, 7, 8 and 10. Volume 9 flew by Susanne's ear. The two girls could do nothing but dodge as Celly kept hurling the encycopedia's at them. Then she reached into HammerSpace... and stopped. "Huh... I ran out of Encycopedia Britanicas."

She started tossing out the complete works of Shakespeare, Dante, the Bronte sisters, Steven King, Danielle Steele and John Grisham.

"Stop throwing those books at us!" Rapath growled. "Face me in battle!"

She barely dodged the bookcase.

Susanne was getting really pissed off. She was suffering from assorted scrapes and bruises, as was Rapath, from dodging all of those books... and the bookcase. Celly was panting from throwing all of those things. The two girls who were the objects of Celly's aim started advancing towards her. Celly panicked... she couldn't find her BBBoD as everything in HammerSpace had been upset by her fierce removal of its objects.

Rapath held her sword and Susanne held her hands out like she was ready to throttle Celly.Celly did the only thing she could do at the moment.

She started to empty her HammerSpace.

Various objects and loose ends flew through the air as Celly randomly tossed things out of her HammerSpace. A stuffed dog bounced off Rapath's head while a tacky colored shirt landed on Susanne's head. There seemed to be no end to the awesome display of hoarded items.

Then the weird things started coming out... pink elephants... a VW van... even a squealing pig flew through the air.

Everyone was very, *very* tired when the kitchen sink came out of its arc and crashed into the pavement.

Celly was a goner now. She had found her BBBoD, but she had nothing left to throw now. That sort of pissed her off. It had taken her weeks to accumulate all of those things! She could no longer keep the Hotohori no Otaku and her friend away.

She thought as fast as she could, while backing slowly away from them. What could she do? She could fight to a standstill against Rapath, but Hotohori no Otaku would be free to get her. She was outnumbered, pain and simple. She really wished that something would happen.
