After all that has transpired in Celly's tavern, Nyx decided to take a long walk to clear her mind. As she looked around at the scenes surrounding her: carts being pulled by oxen, people farming, little children running around playing, the fresh air, the clear blue sky -- all this made her crave the hustle of the big city!

"That's it," she told herself. "I want to go back home!"

"I'm afraid that's not possible." The little black kitty crossed her path.

"Get out of my way, kitty." Nyx stepped over him and proceeded down the dirt road.

A harsh wind knocked her to the ground. She landed on her ass, a cloud of dust surrounding her. Before she could blink, a tall man clothed in a flashy red and black garb was standing before her. He was wearing a mask of make-up and a hat with long, curvy feathers.

"Ka-ka-ka-ka." Was the annoying sound which emitted from his lips.

"Who--who...are you?" She looked around for Chia. There was no sign of him. "Chia?"

"Enough of the cat," said the man. "I am Tomo." His eyes flashed green.

"Kuso!... Chia...?"

"You stubborn little girl. You are ruining my plans!"

"Who are you supposed to be? The drag queen from hell? I guess you're here to give me more cryptic messages, well I've had enough of this place, I've had enough of you, and I've had enough of this Otaku crap! I'm outta here, see ya peoples--" Nyx got to her feet, dusted herself off and began to walk past the magician. She had not gone more than five feet from him when the feathers of his grament flung at her, enveloping her tightly like two boa constrictors. "What the?"

The feathers struck her skin, gashing her flesh. They were like blades! The more she struggled the more they cut and bruised her.

"Ka-ka-ka. Perhaps I had choosen the wrong child as Otaku. No matter, I will dispose of you now."

The feathers tightened about her neck, she could no longer breathe. Everything was going black, she was nearly to pass out when...

A large rabid grey wolf lunged out at the magician, knocking him to the ground and cutting the feathers.

Nyx fell back on the dirt road, gasping for air, pulling the feathers off of her body.

Tomo, completely taken by suprise, could do nothing but gasp, open mouthed as the grey wolf poised itself above him and tore at him. Its claws ripped through him like a ragg doll, it's jaws gaped open, gnawing at his neck and chest, claiming it's prize, a still beating heart.

Nyx could not turn away, something about this gore fascinated her... the blood on the beast, the blood on the dirt road, the BLOOD....

"Enough!" A female voice boomed from out of nowhere.

The scene dramatically changed. Nyx found herself in another astral plane, one suspened in time, a place where illusion and reality conglomerated and neither could be distinguishable from the other.

The sillhouette of a woman came forth from the darkness, Nyx, scooted backwards, shrinking from the approaching unknown. As the woman neared, her face and clothing became more clear. Nyx's eyes grew wide as plates.

"TEEMMEE!" She cried. "KUSO!"

The woman was her!

"Please, don't be like this. Don't be...don't be a damn chicken. You're making me look bad," said the woman.

"None of this is making sense."

"Let me explain. My name is Rae. I am your author. I wrote you into this"

The wolf left Tomo's carcass, which was floating below them, whirling around till it disappeared. The beast sat next to Rae and licked her hand.

"I have made I grave mistake," said Rae, looking at the place where Tomo's body previously was. "But it's too late to go back and change everything. I should have took more time in formulating my plots--but it's been done so..." Rae shrugged. "Anyways, here's the thing--oh right." Rae sized Nyx up and her wounded healed.


"Don't ask. We don't have much time. Well, I don't. You see, I have a class in thirty minutes and I don't want to miss another Psych lecture, I'm already behind. But enough about my life. Please, have a seat." Rae pulls out a neon green bean bag chair from her hammer space and tosses it out to Nyx. She points her finger and Nyx is suddenly floating in the air and slowly descends on to the bean bag. "Comfy? Good. Now, about why you're here."

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

"Tomo stole your memories. Well, he actually made you forget them with a series of illusions. Personally I've never liked the guy. That laugh has always gotten on my nerves. You're here to find Nakago, or Nani-chan as I like to refer to him. But you see, by taking your memories, Tomo took away who you are."

"Who am I, then?"

"You're an Immortal. You're a sword weilding babe who knows how to get a head." Rae grinned mishceviously. "You're no weakling. And despite the visions of Inverness which Tomo showed you, you've never met Nakago. He man is a rat bastard, and that's to put it nicely. But he's Bishounen, absolutely, no don't about it. The guy is drop dead gorgeous!" Rae swoons and giggles with delight at the thought of his sparkling golden hair as he takes off the helmet for the first time. "Ah.....*sigh*"

"Uh, can we get back to ME now, thank you?" Said Nyx rolling her eyes.

"Oh? Oh yeah. Well...." Rae looks down at her watch. "KUSO! BAKA YAROU! I've got to head out!"

"But what about me? How do I get my ass out of here?"

"You have to let your beast enter inside of you." With that, Rae disappeared, leaving Nyx in limbo with the grey wolf looking hungrily at her with singing blue eyes.

"Uh.. nice, doggie.... nice little puppy, puppy." Nyx forced a smile.

The wolf poised on an attack position. Without a warning, it lunged for her, but as Nyx could see it, it was as if the anger and frenzy of the beast had seperated from its docile partner. The sipirt leaped into her, knocking her down. She was spiraling downwards into the abyss of nothingness.

The preasure of the spirit pushed inside of her body and became a part of her soul. That was it! her soul was being given back to her!

When she came to, Nyx was back on the dirt path, not far from the Otaku no Mori for she could hear the sounds of drunken laughter.

She felt something wet and cold on her hand. When she looked, it was a little wolf pup, nuzzling against her hand. It had bright blue eyes. Nyx was fused with a new sense of life, she had remembered everything, Tomo, her author, the siprit... her mission. She jumped to her feet.

The wolf pup happily bounced bedisde her.

"You're way too happy, you know that?" She looked at the adorable little thing.

"Don't let looks decieve you," it replied.

"You got a name?"

"My name is Milton. I'm your Guardian."

"Good, I'll call you Millie, then."

" Milton will do."

"Okay... Millie. First off, I need some java." Nyx reaches into her Hammerspace for a steaming cup of Starbuck's Irish Concoction. She takes a sip. She rips out her silver braid tache, the black sparkles in her eyes. "Let's rock."

To be continued....