Celly frowned as she rubbed her head. First she had been accosted by the *other* Hotohori no Otaku, then the Moderator had done something stupid. Celly was able to feel the surge of power and then the results.

The Moderator was tapped. She would provide no great a threat. Celly still wondered what the power was though... maybe she had done something...? No... she was probably just trying to break free. Chibi baka... she wasted all of her energy trying to break free when she knew it couldn't be done.

Celly made her way back into her office in the Mori. She had given orders to her staff to keep running things as usual while she went on a trip to her *other* offices.

Celly took a deep breath and stuck her hand into her HammerSpace. However, instead of pulling something out, she pulled *down*.

A large black hole opened up before her leading to HammerSpace. Celly jumped in.

When she landed, Celly smiled as she looked at a large castle that sat in the middle of HammerSpace. The large sign in front proclaimed: "Welcome to Castle Anthrax. Please enjoy your stay."

Celly entered Castle Anthrax and was greeted by Bob. "Hi Bob! What's up? I'm sorry I didn't bring you out earlier."

"It's alright Mistress Celeste," Bob responded, handing her a can of Pink Lemonade Snapple. Celly popped it open and took a long drink as Bob continued. "I've been doing some work in here anyway. I don't like going outside anymore. What's up with the Otakus? Are they gunning for me or something?"

Celly grimaced but looked at Bob with compassionate eyes. "I know... three in... what... two days? I'm sorry about that. You know they're gunning for me."

"I'm okay with it. There's enough spares, but try to be careful, okay?"

"Sure." Celly and Bob had reached Special Ops in the center of the Castle which very much resembled the Bridge of the Starship Enterprise, NCC-1701D, and the Nameless Otaku manned the stations.

"Mistress on the Bridge!" Bob snapped. The Nameless Otaku all stood up at attention as Celly took her seat in front of the huge viewscreen.

"At ease." Celly opened up the files near her chair and a thoughtful look crossed her brow. "Bob? Are we on schedule?"

"Yes, Mistress Celeste. I'm having a bit of trouble tracking down some... problems... but we're on schedule."

"Good. Keep the operations going then. Have you found the Sailo Factor yet?"

"No, MIstress. That's next."

"Hmmm... I'm not going to be here for very long. I have to go after those Otakus. The strange thing is... there's two Hotohori no Otakus." Two images appeared on the screen, a brunette and a black-haired girl. "The second doesn't have the chocolate aura."

"TWO?!?" Bob gasped. His attention went to his operations station as his fingers flew across the touchpads. More pictures popped up on the screen as the images of the known Otakus appeared. "Susanne, Hotohori no Otaku... Rapath, Status Unkown... the second Hotohori no Otaku, name unknown... Anaera, Chichiri no Otaku?" he asked. Celly nodded, still going over the files in her hand. "Nyx, Status Unknown--"

"She's Nakago no Otaku."

Bob grimaced and shook his head muttering "... rat bastard..." as he changed Nyx's status. "Nyx, Nakago no Otaku. Anyone else?"

"There's one more. I've felt her presence in the Bishounen World." A black box with an question mark appeared onscreen. "She's somewhere in the Imperial City, though. The presence is hard to read... she may be in the company of a Bishounen."

Bob nodded, still tapping away. "If she's in the company of Bishounen, it'll be hard to get to her." He paused, looking at the screen before he started typing again, Celly's picture popping up on the screen. "Tsukino Celeste..."

"Renegade... Status Unknown," Celly answered with a smile. Bob chuckled as he typed away. Her attention turned to the viewscreen where she studied her opponents with an unwavering eye.
